About 120,000 businesses do not have to pay the kata for March and April either. The tax exemption leaves HUF 10 billion for shops and service providers that are closed until the beginning of April, and for small businesses operating in the catering, tourism, and leisure sectors, András Tállai said.
The State Secretary responsible for parliamentary affairs of the Ministry of Finance explained: the two-month tax exemption affects sectors with serious problems, around 56 professions. For example, hairdressers, beauticians, personal trainers, musicians, shoemakers, upholsterers, florists, driving instructors and watchmakers do not have to pay tax until April 30, he added.
Tax-paying businesses already registered in February 2021 and engaged in exempted activities will be exempted from paying tax for March and April 2021, the exemption applies to everyone who carries out one of the 56 affected activities, regardless of whether it is a main or secondary activity - András Tállai detailed the rules.
Exemption is also easy to apply, it applies automatically, the entrepreneur does not have to apply.
The tax office works for you. The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) does not even prescribe the public charge to be paid on the tax invoices of those concerned, so the 120,000 kata have nothing to do with it, he said.
He pointed out that the tax exemption for the smallest businesses is a special government benefit that does not affect the entitlements of the tax authorities at all. The pensioners benefit from social security and labor market benefits in the same way as before, this two-month period is even included in the pension.
The fact that the tax exemption for March and April does not reduce the HUF 12 million income threshold can also contribute to restarting the economy and increasing the country's competitiveness, the state secretary underlined.
MTI / hirado.hu
Opening image: MTI/EPA/EFE/Fernando Villar