András Fekete Győr, the Prime Minister's candidate of Momentum, proves throughout the media that the joint opposition has only one common cause: to replace the government. Six parties came together for the sake of a specific cause, but it would be hard for him to imagine that they would become a political block in the long term or unite for good, he says in the latest program of Partizán. Of course!

One wonders what the actual composition of a Fekete-Győr government would be? Just like that, broadly speaking.

The voter will also ask the question: who are you really? One-issue opposition?

For example, what values ​​can Ferenc Gyurcsány, your spiritual rector, represent authentically? The one who lied to the voters and then ordered a cavalry charge and shot at the peaceful demonstrators, what will happen in the new Fekete-Győr government? Minister of the Interior? Nice views…

Or what role will Péter Jakab play? That Jakab, who for many years has been a politician of a party in which, in the past, listing Jews was proposed, trampling on gypsy lines with boots was organized, or the EU flag was burned. And for which the entire left-liberal opinion-forming elite, from Henrik Havas to Pál Závada to Márk Lakatos, virtually banned voting in 2014.

Currently, Jakab promotes red gold and Paris, he has fallen in love with gypsies, he is proud of his Jewish origin, and according to his previous interview with Válasz Online, Hungarians across the border do not necessarily need the right to vote, lest with his party partner, Zoltán Szotyori-Lázár, the arm in arm with a samurai from Szolnok, distribute glass beads among them!

Well, Jakab can be an aspirant for several positions in the government of the young lawyer. He would probably be a secret agent. And finally, he could secretly make a list of his compatriots of Jewish origin, and use the secret units of the Secu, which supposedly still exist today, to punish Hungarians abroad. But he's also good at potatoes, so maybe the agriculture ministry will be his after all.

Ákos Lóf@sz Hadházy obviously wants the position of chief prosecutor, but this is only possible at "Animal Farm". But he could do with a veterinary horse that would show all the diseases of today's opposition.

Klára Dobrev could be entrusted with the politics of memory and the management of the House of Terror as a fitting task. And since the Apró-Dobrev clan has strong family traditions, it could even get the Ministry of Education and Culture; in the spirit of socialist culture. Perhaps he would succeed in completely erasing the past, and it would be child's play to develop internationalism into globalism, in the spirit of the Soros program.

Obviously, he would nominate Katalin Cseh, who wants to widely use the hand blender as a medical tool, as Minister of Health, and Anna Júlia Donáth, also through family traditions, as Minister of Social Affairs, given that her father, pastor László Donáth, likes to harass the female employees in his loving home, according to press reports . For this reason, proceedings against him are currently underway. Allegedly, Anna Júlia also had some confusing affairs there. Péter Ungár, for example, could strengthen this ministry as state secretary, even though he wants to take on child rearing in the spirit of the rainbow. In any case, Mária Schmidt of Fidesz is his mother, so it is likely that she would be the leader of the government forces together with Attila Mesterházy.

He would probably appoint Gyurcsány's friend Gordon Bajnai as Minister of Economy, he is experienced in this field and would give advice like the old rabbi to whom they complained that the geese were dying. Then, when they were all destroyed, he lamented like this: I wish I had another idea! For example, you could bring in the IMF with cheap loans, and pay the foreigners huge returns on the Hungarian government bills! This would make the interest rates at home very high, and cheap foreign currency loans would be available. For example, the water works, the electricity supplier, MOL could be sold again, how good that the Zorbans bought them back, and that the Hungarian people paid back the IMF and foreign currency loans! The geese are still dying, but who cares...

And the post of deputy prime minister could be Karácsony's! Together with his buddies from City Hall, Draskovicc and Lajos Bokros, they are already working on putting together the new packages. I wonder if the country will finally get into this! Even if it was not possible to prevent people from being vaccinated with Eastern vaccines. Except them.

Well, we could go on and on, but this is probably what the government of Fekete-Győr would look like in broad terms, everything that belongs together would grow together. Of course, one more small moment would be essential for this: the replacement of Zorban.

And then your country would come…

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