Anti-Hungarian wall stickers appeared yesterday morning in Beregszász, the news portal reported.

On the posters, Hungarians were once again threatened with poisoning them, like rats. The unknown perpetrators gave one week to leave the "Ukrainian land". "Glory to the nation!!! Death to the enemy!!!” said at the end of the message.

The threatening text bears an eerie resemblance to the message received last December by the consulates of Hungary in Ungvar and Beregsasza, the Subcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association, the Ukrainian Hungarian Democratic Association, Transcarpathian media outlets, including the editorial staff of Kárpá, and the Sürte region.

The author of the posters did not convey many of his own thoughts: the catchphrase "Kéhegyre a Magyarokkark" even stirred the mood at the 2016 torchlight parade of Transcarpathian nationalist organizations. Transcarpathian Hungarians received two more similar messages in August. Recently, provocative inscriptions appeared in Szürte and Péterfalva. The perpetrators were never found in either case.

Source: Kárpá / 2022plusz

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