The National Presidency of the Transylvanian Hungarian People's Party called on Transylvanian Hungarians to boycott the Profi food store chain after it was revealed that Hungarian employees were forbidden to speak to each other and customers in their mother tongue in Sepsiszentgyörgy.

The organization's open letter is published below:

We learned from the press that the manager of one of the stores of the Profi department store chain in Sepsiszentgyörgy forbade his employees to speak Hungarian among themselves, and even happened to harass customers because they spoke in their own mother tongue in the heart of Székelyföld. The Transylvanian Hungarian People's Party protests in the strongest possible way about what happened in the shop, which is completely unacceptable and recalls the darkest anti-Hungarian times. We expressed our indignation in our letter addressed to the management of the Profi department store chain, in which we asked the company's decision-makers to:

1.) investigate what happened at Sepsiszentgyörgy within the shortest possible time;

2.) get rid of the Sepsiszentgyörgy store manager;

3.) draw the appropriate conclusions and take the necessary measures to ensure that a case similar to the current one never happens again in any of their business premises;

4.) apologize immediately, publicly and in Hungarian, both to their employees in Sepsiszentgyörgy and to the entire Hungarian community in Transylvania.

As long as our requests are not fulfilled, and the management of the Profi department store chain does not clearly distance itself from its leader in Sepsiszentgyörgy, who has been tested for anti-Hungarianism, we call on the Hungarians of Transylvania to boycott the department store chain!



Thanks to its hard work, our community represents a serious purchasing power in Transylvania. Bilingualism in trade initiated by the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council movement, Transylvanian Hungarians have the right to use their native language in exchange for the money they spend in various commercial units.

The current case also clearly shows that it is not only in state public institutions that we have to fight every day in order to assert our language rights. However, as long as we can reduce the systemic anti-Hungarianism of the Romanian state only in small steps, in the case of commercial actors, we have many more tools at our disposal to achieve our goals.

The formula is simple: shop where our language and culture are respected, and where multilingualism is ensured!

The National Presidency of the Transylvanian Hungarian People's Party


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