Another 1.2 million doses of Sinopharm vaccines have arrived in Hungary from China, bringing the number of delivered Chinese vaccines to 4.5 million, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó told MTI.

He added: they owe thanks to the Chinese partners for their fairness, as they also delivered this quantity a good two weeks before the May 31 deadline.

"We know for sure that every day counts, because the sooner they can vaccinate people, the sooner they will be protected and the sooner they will be safe"

- emphasized the minister.

He also mentioned that a total of 6.5 million Eastern vaccines arrived in Hungary with Sunday's shipment. Without them, it would have been impossible to reach the vaccination level of 4.6 million, and these vaccines are particularly important in order to reach five million vaccinated in Hungary as soon as possible.

He reminded: the global use of the Sinopharm vaccine was recently authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO), so - Péter Szijjártó pointed out - everyone can be sure that this vaccine is both effective and safe.

Source: / MTI

Featured photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthé