The commemorative plaque inauguration, which was held in Szímő by the foundation organization of the Csemads on May 15, the Day of Restoration, began with a Holy Mass. The prayer written for the beatification of János Esterházy was also recited at the celebratory mass: "He suffered as a martyr and died in prison because he stood up for the rightful defense of the persecuted."

At the Mass parish priest István Siekel reminded us that the beatification trial of János Esterházy has begun, but we still pray to him and ask for his intercession as if he were a saint, because for us he has already become one.

"We will not come into conflict with either divine or human laws, because our trust and faith in divine truth are unshakable.

We trust in our own strength and can proclaim with our heads held high that our conscience is clear, our honor is intact, we have not sinned against anyone and we only demand and defend those rights that we have already fought for in the past and that are absolutely ours. If we have to suffer for our Hungarianness, we will do so without complaint or complaint, because we stand firmer in such circumstances, based on our God-given rights, we will be more valuable members of the great Hungarian community and, with God's help, we will be able to serve our eternal Hungarian goals more effectively."

János Esterházy can be characterized as a disciple of Jesus - József Istenes, member of the János Esterházy Memorial Committee, said in his speech. Living through the two world wars of the twentieth century, he lived the gospel in his actions as an elected politician.

"There is no doubt that he has a place in the line of those waiting to be beatified, because his example and sacrifice took place by God's will, and he can live on as a reality in us. If there are as many of us Hungarians, Poles, Slovaks and Czechs whose lives become better and more valuable as a result of accepting Esterházy's example, it will not only deepen our loyalty to God and country, but also strengthen our sense of belonging as if János Esterházy were still here today between us," said József Istenes.

Source:élyi Tünde

József Istenes/Source: Neszméri Tünde

Paying tribute to the memory of the martyr politician János Esterházy means taking a stand. May the last verse of the prayer for his beatification, written by Zoltán Pintér, give strength to everyday life and let us follow his example: "He has become a star for the Highlands and all who live here, His ashes have already returned home, they are resting in peace. Let us pray persistently for that good intention, that we may honor him among the Blessed throughout our church."

Source and featured image: (Felvidééri Tünde)