Now that the strength of the virus has subsided a little, the opposition kindergarten has opened.

Dobrev from the large group gave an interview in English to a foreign newspaper and bragged about it to Gergő from the small group. Gergő started crying a little, stuck out his tongue and said that next year he will be in middle school and they can ask him in English too.

Yes, but even then you won't be able to answer, sneered Klárika.

Standing from his right foot to his left, Petike thought he could make fun of everyone, but then they sat him down and although he continued talking, no one heard him. He pointed to this very funny, because unfortunately he had not yet been able to read uncle Imre Montágh's book, whose title is "Tell me or show me", so no one understood what his body was talking about.

Therefore, in revenge, he painted the wall of the parliament with a play of lights, because he saw that the Bolsheviks also painted it red in 1919, should they be imitated?! In fact, he projected uncles there, who are now living with him!

Later, he explained to the police among the Nino cars on the bank of the Danube, namely that there is a curfew at 2 a.m.!

But the school bag is heavy! And he still hasn't decided whether to take Berdi's or Ági's bag to the school on the left. Let's say the girls would rather carry me with Gerg!

Kindergarten teacher Bangón stabbed everyone, then tied up the secretary of state, to whom she didn't even bother to answer!

Ákos was hurt by several thoughts. I wonder why Viktor Orbán did not vote for the emergency law. After much thought, he realized that it was because he wasn't there. Either because he's a coward, or because he's a Democrat, or because he's a virus denier, or because he just doesn't take him seriously.

Ákos was offended and wondered what he should write on his blackboard next to lóf@sz? Maybe Volner Pali's Uzi will be revoked!

Berdi played a protester alone in the stillness: he held up a sign that read Men Zsel Dnecs, of course the letters were written back and forth on it, but he still doesn't do that well!



Peti Marki-Zay is a better prime minister candidate than Gergő, announced Tibi, who broke away from his group and now sat separately. Candidate, candidate, candidate, five candidates echoed off the walls

Kindergarten uncle Gyurcsány looked at the little ones with understanding, but if one of them spoke nonsense, he cleared his throat and signaled with a stentorian croak that they should now behave as he said.

Finally get ready for the fall puppet show and let everyone learn their roles fairly!

In the meantime, Andriska went on vacation and would like to move a prosecutor's office or a social institution to the Carmelites' building in Buda in memory of his grandfather.

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