With this title, the article was published in Magyar Nemzet, according to which, in addition to his salary of one million, KO is cheating on food prices. Some of the author's thought-provoking sentences can be read below.  

In her post criticizing Minister Judit Varga, the politician turned presenter posed with a price tag of a bunch of asparagus . The II. the DK candidate running in the district tries to speak to the civilian electorate at the same time and shout the demagogic political messages of his party.

"And then we didn't even talk about the prices of fruit, meat, cooking oil, and eggs," Olga Kálmán wrote By the way, in his post , he reacted to a previous photo of Justice Minister Judit Varga, who, according to him, boasted that "Hungary is a real asparagus-growing power, Hungarian asparagus is popular all over Europe."

"We can be really proud of Hungarian asparagus, and also of its price . Last week, there was even a half-kilo package for more than two thousand forints," confirmed the DK politician, who in the photo attached to the description is holding a bundle of asparagus that can be bought for one thousand two hundred forints. The former presenter also gave Judit Varga "a little piece of good advice", according to which "we don't usually peel the greens, we just have to break off the woody end".

The former mayor candidate of the Gyurcsány party is believed to have no problem buying asparagus, since, according to a response to a data request two years ago,  he earns HUF one million per month as the chief adviser to Erzsébet Gy. Németh at the Budapest city hall. Despite this, the tone of the central narrative of the Democratic Coalition, discussing poverty and the price of basic consumer goods, seems to be starting to seep into the posts of Olga Kálmán, who has been posting more and more frequently in recent weeks.

Márk Kreft-Horváth's writing here .