"Since the beginning of April, we have been able to shop again in stores that sell non-daily consumer goods, thanks to the Hungarian vaccination coverage data, which is at the forefront in Europe.
Taking care of the health of customers and commercial workers, consumer protection has been continuously checking compliance with the protection measures for two months now," Tamás Schanda said. The deputy minister of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology added that, according to experience, the majority of businesses understood, accepted and properly enforced the regulations.
Among other things, the consumer protection authority asks the operators to comply with staffing restrictions proportional to the size of the business premises, to continuously disinfect shopping areas and shopping carts, and to place hand sanitizers intended for customers.
Employees of the capital and county government offices have visited a total of 3,370 stores so far. In the case of 433 commercial units, violations of the law were observed, so the objection rate is below 13 percent. Most often, stores did not provide hand sanitizer to their customers.
More than half of the shops, 54 percent, of the shops that were found to be in default made up for the revealed deficiencies already during the inspection. Post-inspections were also carried out for 167 commercial units, and the experts typically found nothing to complain about on their second visit. However, in the case of three bakeries in Csongrád-Csanád County, the previously established violation still existed. Due to breaking the rules, an administrative fine of HUF 200,000 was imposed on the operating company. Tamás Schanda said: "The government thanks the traders for their exemplary behavior during the epidemic situation with various subsidies. Companies can receive up to HUF 600,000 for half a year in the case of a new job seeker in the workforce support program for businesses. More than a fifth of the applicants came from the commercial sector. The self-employed in the sector can also benefit from a one-time HUF 219,000 compensation to facilitate restarting".

Source: OS