Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's "Hungary is starting again!" announced at the economic conference entitled "Investment of Social Security" that if Hungary succeeds in achieving economic growth of 5.5 percent in 2021, the government will return the personal income tax paid on the average income to parents raising children.
According to calculations, the measure means HUF 550-580 billion. The purpose of the planned step is to allow families raising children to replenish their reserves used as a result of the coronavirus epidemic. Századvég's telephone poll, which represents the adult Hungarian population along the main demographic indicators, assessed how Hungarians feel about the tax relief announced by the government.
Based on the research, it can be stated that a social consensus has emerged regarding the discount for families raising children. More than three-quarters (79 percent) of those surveyed agree that parents and families raising children will get back the personal income tax paid in 2021 if Hungary's economic growth reaches 5.5 percent. The proportion of those who oppose the planned measure can be put at 18 percent.
Examining the issue according to party preferences, no significant differences can be observed, the planned decision enjoys high support regardless of political affiliation. The survey shows that 79 percent of the sympathizers of the left-wing coalition support the proposal.
A similar picture can be seen if we look at the attitudes of the population in relation to the planned tax relief along the lines of economic activity. in all examined categories (active workers, pensioners, students, housewives, unemployed, those on GYES, GYED) sympathize with the government's sja reimbursement initiative to help those raising children.
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