Mrs. Gyurcsány, Katalin Cseh, Ujhelyi and their colleagues enthusiastically voted in the European Parliament for the madness that men could give birth, while the European left, European liberals and Brussels bureaucrats attacked the child protection law passed by the Hungarian Parliament by blaring all kinds of blatant lies and bidding against each other.

Mrs. Gyurcsány, Katalin Cseh, Ujhelyi, Gyöngyösi and their colleagues have been working for years now, using every imaginable and almost unimaginable means, to take away the legitimate European Union funds from their own country under the pretext of attacks on Hungary based on fake news information.

In the series of attacks directed against our country, Katalin Cseh has now raised the bid, who, as one of Mark Rutte's best students in Hungary, works to bring Hungarians to their knees with great enthusiasm.

Last Thursday, Dutch Prime Minister Rutte revealed the true purpose of the latest series of attacks against Hungary, when he publicly stated that their clear intention was to bring Hungary to its knees.

Then Katalin Cseh, a politician from Rutte's European party, initiated the withdrawal of more than HUF 2,500 billion from the European recovery fund to Hungary in order to force the Hungarians to their knees. He did all of this in such a despicable way that in a letter written together with the leader of the Romanian faction, he demanded such strict measures that would only apply to Hungary and, moreover, were completely contrary to the EU legislation on the recovery fund.

Dear Katalin Cseh, we will do our best to protect the inalienable rights of children and parents and to protect the EU funds that belong to the Hungarian people!

Source and featured image: Tamás Deutsch/Facebook