The football EC is here and the wish of Europe's extreme liberals has been fulfilled: sport has been flooded by politics. Now you have to hear about the LGBTQ lobby in connection with sports events, or the BLM movement, or racism.

All topics that liberals consider favorable to them, and they have launched worldwide campaigns to ensure that their identity politics messages are on target.

Appropriating sports in this way is not a new thing. We can remember the various Olympic boycotts, but what is happening now is still unique and unprecedented. The ultra-liberal system of views proclaims hegemony all over the world through all forums, and those who do not submit to it face existential impossibility, stigmatization, intellectual and media terror. Fortunately, there are many of us in Europe who believe that sports should be about sports performance, not about extreme liberal identity politics.

It is also worth considering the scale of the challenge to the rule of law with these actions. Is it normal for a sportsman to be fired simply because he has different views than the owners of his club? The current situation represents both a huge challenge and a huge opportunity for the right-wing parties. Forward with national legal protection! The conservative forces of Europe must finally recognize the opportunity inherent in the protection of rights and stand on the side of the everyday person against the liberal intellectual terror!