In the first video of the Patriots' new production, Ancestors and Heroes, we can get acquainted with the nightmare of terror and fear that pervades everything as a result of the Soviet occupation, the confiscation of services and the abolition of private property.

"Life became a job competition, death a comradely farewell, but in 1956 a people said enough was enough!" is said in the film.

The Pesti Boys, who appear in the frames both in everyday life and in battle, took up arms to win back the freedom of our country with a popular uprising that also extended to rural Hungary and other parts of the country.

The freedom struggle won, until on November 4, the Soviet army, in coordination with the communist traitors, launched a comprehensive attack on Hungary. According to the statement of the Patriots, the Márai poem at the end of the film proves that we can still draw strength from the example set by the heroes of '56.


Source: Hungarian Nation