On August 23, 2021 (Monday), the Hungarian Academy of Arts and MMA Publishing House are waiting for interested parties Vörös Győző: Machaerus. The palace of Tetrarch Herod Antipas and the prison of St. John the Baptist on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea in Jordan. For the presentation of his book Szentföldi Hungarian Excavations (2009–2021), which will take place in Pesti Vigado, the headquarters of the MMA.

In 2009, under the auspices of the Hungarian Academy of Arts, a Hungarian research group under the auspices of the Hungarian Academy of Arts won a twenty-year concession to excavate, document and plan the historic restoration of Machaerus Castle in Jordan, led by archeology professor Győző Vörös, who was awarded the gold medal of the Papal Academies Award .

Győző Vörös is publishing for the first time in Hungarian the work he led in the volume _MACHAERUS - Tetrarch Herod Antipasz's palace and the prison of St. John the Baptist on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea in Jordan, published in honor of the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Budapest in September 2021. a summary of the works and results of the Szentföld excavation.

The volume published by MMA Kiadó - richly illustrated with photos, drawings, 3D reconstruction plans and models - introduces the reader to this important historical memory for the Christian, Islamic and Jewish cultural treasures, providing an album-like experience.

Source: Hungarian Academy of Arts

On the cover photo: The reconstruction of the Machaerus fortress - it is said that St. John the Baptist was killed here. Image source: book illustration)