It recently happened that the head of the Hungarian Atheist Society denounced the Giemekszívcentrum foundation because it started the "Prayer of our Heart" movement on the World Day of Prayer. Scandal!

The whistleblower officially had a problem with the fact that the GOKVI (Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Institute) paid a hefty sum for the hare-long commercial film shot to promote the "Szívünk imája" movement, launched under the patronage of János Áder and Anita Herczegh: a whopping HUF 250,000. Sure, please, this is a hotbed of corruption and embezzlement, which can backfire on the entire Hungarian healthcare system, and even isolate the country internationally. Well no? From this amount, new hearts could have been printed for up to five hundred million starving African kittens!

The IX. Of course, the Criminal Division of the District Police Department rejected the case after the foundation announced that prayer has healing power, and this is proven by several scientific researches of the past decades, and the prayer movement is not to be used instead of medical methods, but in addition to them, the money spent on the spot therefore, it serves curative purposes, so the suspicion of unfaithful treatment does not arise.

However, Tamás Waldmann, the leader of the atheists, is not satisfied with this, and plans to appeal against the decision because, in his opinion,

according to the scientific consensus, prayer has no healing power, but the police accepted the foundation's information, according to which numerous scientific researches prove the effectiveness of prayer. It's pretty much like dismissing a complaint against a kuruzslo because the couple flaunts (seemingly) scientific studies that the treatment they're doing is effective. Or the organizers of a pyramid scheme would claim to have the embezzled money.

This is where the case is now, and we can't wait for the outcome, but in the meantime, let's take a look at the activities of the Hungarian Atheist Society. They describe themselves as New Atheists , who believe that the world can be made a more rational and better place by supporting scientific thought and the arts, and ending superstition, irrationality, and anti-scientific thinking. In their presentation, they immediately state that

the goal of the Hungarian Atheist Society (MATT) is to create an atheist community that embodies the atheistic worldview based on thinking based on scientifically supported facts and secular ethics.

All of this sounds good, but unfortunately the self-image is completely false, both in terms of thinking based on scientifically supported facts and in terms of secular ethics. It is enough to take a look at the articles published on their website, and we are already faced with the fact that they are more diligent servants of neoliberalism and gender ideology than of science, and especially not of ethical behavior. In their human rights report to the UN, for example, they make statements that are not only unscientific, but in many cases contradict each other and result in incoherence.

On the one hand, the report describes that

Since 1895, Hungary has ensured freedom of religion and freedom from religion, including equality. Today, freedom of religion and worldview is enshrined in Article VII of the Basic Law of Hungary. is guaranteed by Article CXXV of 2003. the law prohibits discrimination based on religion.

Then that

the 9th amendment to the Basic Law, voted in December 2020, further restricts the personal and religious freedom of minors and their parents by "ensuring education based on the values ​​of our country's constitutional self-identity and Christian culture."

This statement is false because the fact that the government, which has now been elected for the third time with a 2/3 majority - i.e. correctly serves the needs and expectations of the majority society - guarantees something, it does not automatically follow that it restricts the rights of those who want according to a different set of values to live or raise children. Unless, of course, it's for other people's children sensitization the rumor is about corrupting it. Therefore, the restriction of personal freedom is not realized, and that of religious freedom is simply incomprehensible.

Then, apparently on "scientific" grounds, he complains that

the amendment limits the concept of "family" to married couples and parent-child relationships, and became infamous for declaring that "the mother is female, the father is male" and that children have the right to "self-identity according to their birth sex"… The government promotes the concept of non-creationism and asserts that "traditional" gender roles are eternal... The Hungarian state pursues a pronatalist (improving the conditions for having children) family planning policy by promoting the "traditional family" and encouraging childbearing. According to a 2020 law, the gender assigned at birth "on the basis of the primary sex characteristic or chromosome" cannot be changed. Claims to change the gender in personal data have actually been rejected since 2018.

In his recommendation No. 5, he states that

the state register of personal data must reflect the facts and respect the human rights and dignity of trans and intersex persons.

In other words, if Józsi wants to be Little Red Riding Hood from tomorrow, then according to the very scientific recommendation of the Hungarian Atheist Society, this should be possible - because it's a fact, isn't it? It is also remarkable how they demand respect for the dignity of trans and intersex people, but let's see how much they give the same respect to the dignity of believers. It is enough to look at the Facebook interfaces operated by the Company, and we can already find ourselves face to face with numerous "honorable" posts and memes.

It seems that the intolerance of the Hungarian Atheist Society seems to be higher than that of any church, so their name does not cover the reality either, since they are not actually atheists, but religious persecutors. Even more precisely: Christian persecutors. Because certainly, neither on their website nor on their social media platforms can we find any post that would formulate even cautious criticisms against Islam - or any religion other than Christianity; let alone mockery or blasphemous insults. It seems that here in Hungary, in this rock-hard "Christian dictatorship", they can blaspheme freely, but at the same time they are deeply silent about the fact that in some states of the Islamic world it is mandatory to profess the Muslim faith, and apostates and "religion insulters" are cruelly punished. Our atheists are so brave, ethical and respectful. Or maybe we are dealing with a branch organization of DK? Either way, it never occurs to them that they are the same believers, they just believe in the denial of God. And in the "science" of the LGBT lobby...

And finally, turning back to the healing power of faith: healing has always had a natural science and psychological aspect, as it still does. For those who believe, prayer is a psychic resource that can "work miracles". The positive psychosomatic effect of prayer on believers can indeed be investigated using scientific methods, no less than the effects of pedagogical methods. And those who would prohibit this with bigoted atheism would deprive patients of this extra resource.

In the case of the Hungarian Atheist Society, therefore, the main problem is not atheism, but the totalitarian approach, which moreover deceives in a cowardly and pharisaical way, since in practice it does not persecute religions in general, but only one religion: Christianity. The one that is at hand, and that he knows he can act against with impunity, he does not have to reckon with the consequences, because nobody's throat has been cut for defaming Christians.

Illustration: Hungarian Atheist Memebase