Even today, it is correct to represent the Hungarian interest and look at what is in the interest of the Hungarian people - said Budakeszin of the Pest County, the state secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Affairs (KKM) responsible for information and the international presentation of Hungary.

At the 26th family day festival, Tamás Menczer of King Szent István teach him that the king who founded the state first recognized his responsibility, then what was the Hungarian interest, and then acted accordingly to protect those entrusted to him and his community , keep it together.

He added that our ancestors protected and preserved the country and passed it on to today's generations, who in turn have the task of increasing it and preserving it.

"We are doing the right thing if we examine and follow the Hungarian interest even in today's challenges," the state secretary emphasized.

Tamás Menczer pointed out: in challenging times like the one we are living in now, the most important thing is to strengthen communities, especially the smallest communities, families. It is more important than anything that the desired children can be born. This is Hungarian interest! he declared.

The Secretary of State emphasized that today it is in Hungary's interest to preserve Christian culture, and that the government of a country can obtain vaccines for its citizens during a pandemic, but in addition, it is equally important in Hungary's interest to protect borders and security.

It is also in Hungary's interest to respect the elderly. "Those who do not respect their elders will not respect the next generation either," said Tamás Menczer.

Source and cover image: Magyar Hírlap