Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will participate in the Bled Strategic Forum (BSF) leaders' panel discussion in Slovenia today, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister's press chief, informed MTI.

In addition to the president of the European Council and the European Parliament, the prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Greece, and the president of Serbia will participate in the conference on the future of Europe, and several former heads of state and government of the EU member states have also been invited to the forum.

This year's priority theme of the meeting organized by the Slovenian government is to increase Europe's resilience in order to provide more effective responses to the challenges facing the continent. It will be about the reconstruction after the coronavirus epidemic, the digital and green transformation, and the enlargement process of the European Union.

According to the organizers, the panel discussions can be followed live via the BSF website.

Source: MTI
Photo: Facebook/Viktor Orbán