Hungary will transfer its family policy experience to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and help the country to do as much as possible to support young people and help them have children, the minister without portfolio responsible for families said at a press conference in Budapest on Monday, after a meeting with the president of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Katalin Novák emphasized that Hungary provides assistance in order to have a transparent, predictable and stable family policy in the Republic of Bosnian Serbs as well.

Cooperation with Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republic of Bosnian Serbs is of prime importance for Hungary, he emphasized. He added: "our nations have had a good relationship for a long time."

Katalin Novák pointed out that one of the most important problems for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Europe is population decline.

The minister without a portfolio said that Hungary's family policy is attracting attention because it puts families at the center, and it has achieved high economic growth and demographic trends at the same time.

During the trial, it was established how important it is to protect children and to be able to offer young people a livable vision of the future, said Katalin Novák.

He emphasized: they are willing to share all available experience with the Republika Srpska, and "we are also happy to learn from them".

Zeljka Cvijanovic said: they want to renew some of their family support measures, and they also want to introduce new ones in order to achieve better results in terms of family formation.

The president thanked Hungary for its institutional support, as well as the help provided in connection with the coronavirus epidemic.

Zeljka Cvijanovic announced that she had discussed with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó, and that she considers the proposal to establish a foundation in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina to support economic stimulation and investments to be particularly important, as this also plays a significant role in starting a family.

The Republic of Bosnian Serbs is ready to adopt and popularize Hungary's good practices - emphasized Zeljka Cvijanovic, and then said: Hungary can count on them as a reliable partner in the future as well.


Photo: MTI/Balázs Mohai