The new national center of Katolikus Karitász, established in the Béla Bartók Street building in Budapest, was handed over on November 12. Győr county bishop András Veres, president of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops' Conference (MKPK), gave a speech at the event; Gábor Écsy, national director of Karitász, and state secretary Miklós Soltész. The center was blessed by county bishop Antal Spányi, president of Caritász.

"Living faith has actions, and this is the source of the great work that Catholics all over the world do to help their fellow human beings," began his speech by Győr county bishop András Veres, president of the MKPK. - It is shocking and heartwarming to see how many people there are here in Hungary who dedicate their lives to the service of brotherly love. Mostly non-believers see that the Church should be active mostly in the social field. But they don't think about the fact that if there were no believers, there wouldn't be people who could do this activity either.

Bishop András Veres

That is why he considers it the primary task of the Church to pass on the faith. Based on faith, the life paths that can be encountered during the church's charitable service can unfold.

Today, when we hand over this center, I would like to express my gratitude to the charity workers and volunteers who are doing their selfless work all over the country. They are living examples of faith having works.

Caritas is the essence of the Church. "God grant that there will be fewer needy people through our service, that those in need may always receive physical and spiritual help, and that those who perform this service may feel that they are co-workers of God's love," Bishop András Veres concluded his speech.

Miklós Soltész - Catholic Caritász

In his greeting, Miklós Soltész, the Prime Minister's Secretary of State responsible for Church and Ethnic Relations and the Chairman of the Charitable Council, reminded us that according to the words of Jesus, "the poor will always be among you". This is a task for us, it calls on all of us to find the appropriate forms of help, thereby lifting people out of the trap of poverty and misery. After the feast of St. Martin, on the day of social work, the service performed by Catholic Charities should be thanked. The activity of Katolikus Karitász in Hungary is unique, as they carry out their sacrificial work with the largest number of colleagues, an organization covering the entire country. The Hungarian government has also supported this service with financial resources in recent years. The government contributed HUF 37 million to the renovation works of this building.

about the detailed report of the event in Magyar Kurír .