The XI. the district representative body invalidated the bid for the property. The service center will still remain in the Kelenföld city center.

As we also reported, the demonstration of civic strength in Kelenföld was not in vain: the representative body decided to invalidate the tender it had put out for the sale of the city center's service building. Pesti Srácok is probing the background of the case.

At an extraordinary meeting on December 10, Újbuda's representative body decided to cancel the tender it had put out for the service center in the city center of Kelenföld. As Magyar Nemzet reported, 20-80 percent of the area is owned by the district and the capital. The minority owner, with the consent of the capital, put out a tender for the property, but this was immediately met with resistance. Civilians were the first to protest, then several political organizations, and Gyula Budai said at a press conference that he had filed a complaint in the case.

The Pesti Srácok writes that Rajmund Junghausz used a trick to get the left-wing representatives to back down at the meeting on December 10. This is what the organ says: "According to the essence of Junghausz Rajmund's proposal, the board would have expressed its intention to sell its own plot and to continue to consider the public, two-round tender for the city center of Kelenföld held by the Capital Assets Trustee as valid. The maneuver worked: the left-wing factions were confused and abstained from the vote, while the proposer himself and his party voted against it. No one on the board voted in favor of the proposal. In other words, the left-wing factions also tacitly backed out of the deal, so according to the board's decision, the tender for the property is considered invalid by the district."

Pesti Srácok adds: "According to this, the area comprising 20 percent of the complex should in principle be excluded from the tender. And this also means that the capital is missing the opportunity to sell the area as a package. On the one hand, this can be good news for those concerned about the city center in Kelenföld, and on the other hand, it can also influence the City Hall case, which could be the buck that slipped into the test business."


Image: 2022Plus