On December 19, it is good to be good! campaign. On this day, public media channels are connected in the spirit of social responsibility. This year's beneficiary is the Regőczi Foundation, which helps covid orphans.

It was launched ten years ago. It's good to be good! campaign by the public media. As part of the collection lasting several weeks, the channels are connected every year on one Advent Sunday. The charity campaign is also in the center of the programs of Duna, Duna World, M1, M4 Sport+, M5 and Kossuth Radio. On December 19, viewers can watch more than eight hours of live broadcasts with unique content. You can get to know this year's beneficiary organization through reports and discussions, and there will also be external on-site connections, from which additional help will come to the Regőczi Foundation, which helps orphans of the coronavirus.

The guests of the studio share their thoughts in the live show, and in addition, they also prepare unique, special productions. On this day, you can still buy some of the offered items, but there will also be relics put up for auction, such as the silver plate offered by the President of the Republic and his wife, or the porcelain white-headed bald eagle from Herendi. However, the donation does not end on this day, as the 1357 donation line will continue to live after the show, until the end of the year.

As in previous years, Éva Novodomszky talks to the guests in the studio, in addition to donation line 1357, there will be several lines on this day where donations can be made. Calls are received by public media presenters from morning to evening.

"Our primary goal is to help, but our mission is also to spread knowledge, so that people can get to know the foundations that do helping work," pointed out Éva Novodomszky, who has been seen by viewers since the beginning of Good is good! among the presenters.

Éva Novodomszky/Forrás/MTI

Éva Novodomszky/Forrás/MTI

"Every year there are quite heartbreaking, personal stories when you really struggle with being able to return to the screen afterwards and continue the show with an almost unflappable face. We learn a lot about the situations in which people in need of help live and about the helpers who dedicate their lives to it. The most heart-wrenching part is perhaps when we go to film with the affected families," recalled the Duna Television host, who has been raising her children from an early age so that helping is a part of their lives. "We regularly collect old toys that someone will be happy to donate to the school. We learned where we can take non-perishable food packages and they come with me to buy donations. If, as children, they see that it is natural to help, I think they will have the need for it as adults too, and it will be the most natural thing in the world for them to help those in need".

The charity campaign, celebrating its anniversary this year, helps children left orphaned or semi-orphaned due to the coronavirus epidemic. "It is extremely important for the activities of the Regőczi Foundation that it is looking for a long-term, personalized solution. In this situation, it is not enough to support someone once, because this situation does not go away", highlighted the importance of the work carried out by the foundation, Éva Novodomszky, who herself regularly delivers monetary donations to the beneficiaries and emphasizes that if many people come together, then many small ones too you can make as much progress as with one or two large donations.

Source: origo.hu

Image: /MTI/Csilla Cseke