One year for armed robbery? Isn't drug trafficking a serious crime? Should imprisonment be the 'last resort'? - these and similar questions are being asked by the terrified officials and citizens of New York after the new, woke guidelines of the Manhattan district attorney supported by George Soros were made public. According to many, the dreams of criminals can now come true in the Big Apple.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, supported by George Soros, has come under fire for his shockingly lenient stance on crime, which he made public on Monday, less than 48 hours after newly elected Mayor Eric Adams took office, the Daily Mail reported .

New York's newly appointed chief district attorney sent a lengthy message to staff announcing that he would not seek the death penalty, considering it only when criminals have committed murder or the few other crimes he considers serious enough.

In his sweeping changes, Bragg encourages prosecutors to abandon armed robbery charges and instead charge suspects only with theft -- a "simple" misdemeanor that carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison -- even if it's an armed crime, which did not carry a "threat of actual physical injury".

Under the new guidelines, burglary carries a lighter sentence if the robber steals from a storage unit or outdoor property not connected to a permanent residence, while crimes such as prostitution, possession of a weapon (except firearms) and possession of marijuana are not punishable at all. will be punished.

Under the progressive district attorney's vision, drug dealers will not be prosecuted for serious crimes unless they also commit other crimes. Furthermore, when convicted, prison terms should be the "last resort" - despite the increasing number of violent crimes committed on the streets of New York by recidivists who have been released early from prison.

Bragg's public message said he would seek "alternatives" to prison terms and that some crimes should be downgraded to misdemeanors so offenders can avoid custody. This shocked those who voted for Eric Adams, as the new mayor promised to crack down on the city's worsening crime problem.

Business cards for criminals?

Police unions, New York Republicans and angry residents are stunned by the new approach that has been unveiled and fear the crime-plagued city will suffer the same fate as other progressive-led cities on the West Coast that the latter in time it is plagued by a series of robberies and murders.

" Why doesn't Bragg just give drug dealers business cards so everyone knows they can deal freely?" Then their opening hours and service fees should be on it, " said Paul DiGiacomo, President of the Investigators' Foundation, in a statement on Wednesday.

He added that Alvin Bragg's message to his staff clarifying his prosecutorial policy would lead to more crime and more shootings.

Where there are drugs, there are guns. Bragg made himself policeman, judge and jury in one person

he emphasized.

Republican mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa, who was defeated by a landslide in the election by Eric Adams, told the Daily Mail on Wednesday: “ This is an advertisement for criminals. Come to Manhattan! "

In an earlier appearance, Sliwa said the new district attorney is opening up space for criminals, so Adams, who has promised to be tough on crime, should block Bragg's efforts.

The president of one of the largest, 24,000-member police unions, Patrick J. Lynch, responded that they have serious concerns about the new prosecutor's position.

" There are already too many people who believe that they can commit crimes, resist arrest, obstruct the work of the police, and there will be no consequences, " he pointed out.

Nick Langworthy, chairman of the New York Republican Party, was also concerned about Bragg's policies.

This policy is total insanity by a George Soros-funded, woke prosecutor who is opening the way for more crime and chaos in New York

he said. He added that this, along with the Democrat-backed abolition of cash bail, will have deadly consequences and drive away even more residents, entrepreneurs and tourists. " It's a stark reminder that elections have consequences, " he told the Daily Mail.

New York is already drowning in violence

The latest crime statistics released by the police show that crime continued to rise in the new year. Compared to last year, the number of serious crimes jumped by 38 percent in the week between December 27 and January 2.

There were fewer murders in the period - five compared to 10 in the same period last year - but serious theft rose by 84 per cent, rape by 35 per cent and robbery by 21 per cent.

Crime is up only about two percent from two years ago, but is 15 percent higher than in the last decade.

It was raised by György Soros' organization

Bragg's election was partly due to the fact that his campaign was financed through a political action committee, to which George Soros donated one million dollars. The Hungarian-born speculator has already contributed millions of dollars to the successful campaigns of other progressive district attorneys across the country, the Daily Mail points out.

The Open Society Foundations representative, who is also one of the staunchest Democratic supporters in the United States, is best known overseas for donating to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, but has also pumped money into far-left efforts to overhaul the criminal justice system that critics say they create a lawless, Wild West America.

Among those he supports is Kim Foxx, the state's attorney for Cook County in Chicago, whose area of ​​activity has seen an increase in murders not seen in thirty years.

The Daily Mail points out that Soros donated two million dollars in 2020 to a party that supported Foxx in his re-election campaign. The prosecutor won, and has since offered deferred prosecutions and plea bargains to criminals.

There were more homicides in Chicago last year than in any year since 1994, while Cook County, Foxx's district alone, saw more than a thousand murders this year.

Soros supported Foxx's re-election campaign through the Illinois Justice and Public Safety Action Committee, which spent more than $500,000 to compromise one of the prosecutor's challengers.

This pattern is by no means unique, it can also be observed in other parts of the country. The billionaire funds political action committees that support Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón, who is widely condemned across the US for failing to crack down on shoplifters and violent criminals.

The list of beneficiaries of the grants is far from over here: according to The New York Post, Soros also donated $1.7 million to the campaign of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner.

The paper alleges the stock speculator has given money to additional political action committees that support Democratic prosecutors and politicians in Republican states.

According to Republican experts, blood is now sticking to György Soros' hands

for the deaths of innocent people like those killed at the Waukesha Christmas parade by Darrell Brooks, a common law criminal who had been released days earlier from jail for other violent crimes on low bail set by a progressive district attorney.

According to information from the Daily Mail, in 2016, Soros pumped three million dollars into the campaigns of seven local district attorneys, including those in Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Texas, hoping for victory.

American cities are thrown into chaos by Soros' prosecutor soldiers

According to US Senator Tom Cotton,  "they paid a terrible price for crazy policies" in the American cities and towns whose prosecutorial bases were occupied by progressive-radical leftists connected to the George Soros network.

In his commentary published on the Real Clear Politics portal, the politician wrote: "Soros prosecutors" reject laws on a wide spectrum of crimes and misdemeanors, including shoplifting or drug trafficking. As an example, he highlighted that

  • In Chicago, Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx succeeded in making theft under a thousand dollars go unpunished,
  • In Manhattan, District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. refuses to enforce laws created to curb prostitution,
  • Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby has unilaterally ended the war on drugs and refuses to prosecute drug dealers "in the middle of the worst drug crisis in American history."
  • Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon has also temporarily suspended enforcement of the laws against disturbing the peace and criminal threats, as well as the impunity of resisting arrest.


Cover photo: Twitter/Alvin Bragg