As our portal also reported , the human rights commissioner of the Council of Europe once again poked his nose into something he has nothing to do with in the world, on the contrary, he proves that he does not shy away from trying to impose on us, not even covertly, but without batting an eye and with left-liberal arrogance, what, when and how to do or not do.
Justice Minister Judit Varga commented on this latest disgraceful attempt on her social media page:
"We witnessed further pressure after Dunja Mijatović , the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, voiced her concerns about the child protection referendum in a statement. He did all this with an image supporting Hungarian opposition parties...
Hereby, we would like to ask Ms. Mijatović, as the commissioner of one of Europe's recognized and professional organizations, not to represent party interests and biased ideological positions.
It seems that many people do not like the fact that the Hungarian people can express their opinion on the education of children in a democratic way and will do anything to influence the outcome of the vote.
Let's not leave this to him! Let's protect the rights of children and parents! ”
2022plus: Mijatovic has since replaced the picture, which clearly proves his political position, but it is too late. Under normal circumstances and in the case of normal European institutions, one such "left step" should be enough to immediately expose the clearly biased woman. It's just that almost nothing is normal in the European Union... Neither is the Council of Europe and its human rights commissioner.
The stud is out of the bag!
Source and title image: Facebook