The animated film Csongor és Tünde is being made based on the plans of Attila Dargay (1927-2009), which is expected to be released in Hungarian cinemas in 2024, the National Film Institute (NFI) informed MTI.

The dream of Attila Dargay, the creator of Lúdas Matyi, Vuk and Szaffi, among others, is coming true 50 years ago with the completion of the film adaptation of Mihály Vörösmarty's classic, Csongor and Tünde, the NFI announced.

The cartoon created using traditional 2D animation techniques is directed by Csaba Máli, one of the last Dargay students, and Zsolt Pálfi (Lengemesésék, The Adventures of King Solomon).

The brochure recalls that the processing of the story encountered obstacles in the seventies, so the idea remained in the drawer. The large-scale plan was brought to life by the creative team of Cinemon Entertainment, who will use Dargay's character designs and full-length screenplay for the upcoming motion picture.

The movie is made from the timeless poem with the participation of Henrik Irén, Attila Dargay's co-creator, in the realization of the Cinemon studio. The creators undertake to follow Dargay's spirit and appeal to today's audience, especially children.

As it is written, Dargay used the original text of Mihály Vörösmarty's poem for the storyboard, but he changed it dramaturgically in many places to bring the story closer to the audience. "I feel that we are filling a gap, and I am not afraid of big words, we are fulfilling a cultural mission when, by making the film, we make Vörösmarty's not-so-easy-to-understand and enjoy richly symbolic masterpiece available to millions. The toolbox of the animated film is endlessly rich, and we now have the opportunity to realize it worthy of the work", the informational quotes Attila Dargay, who even stated before his death: "I hope that someday this dream of mine will come true".

The first teaser of the full-length fairy-tale film entitled Órdögség has been released. The main characters of the first herald, the devil's servants - Berreh, Kurrah and Duzzog - are the original characters of Attila Dargay, who preserve the director's style as much as possible. In the published video, Előd Álmos introduces the story, reads the information.

Csongor és Tünde is produced by Cinemon Entertainment, led by producer Réka Temple, with HUF 570 million support from the National Film Institute, based on a script by Krisztián Balassa, and is scheduled to be shown in cinemas in the fall of 2024.

