The committee investigating the alleged sale of the capital's City Hall held its last meeting on Monday morning, whose extended mandate, originally voted for only two weeks by the left-wing majority general assembly, expired yesterday. During the meeting, the left-wing and right-wing representatives came up with two separate reports, which the committee will present to the Capital Assembly. According to the summary written by Péter Kovács, the committee could not substantively refute the commission system operating at City Hall, and according to the left-wing summary, there is nothing to see, and the Russians did not want to buy the office building. summarized .

Fidesz 's Facebook page, he wrote his conclusions regarding the investigation into the sale of City Hall:

1. The left-wing majority of the Metropolitan Assembly and Gergely Karácsony tried from the first moment of the scandal that broke out in connection with the sale of the City Hall to deny and ignore the facts that became public, and classified journalists who reported on the case and other suspected abuses in the capital as "faithful propagandists".

2. Gergely Karácsony, sensing the effect of the sale of the City Hall and the documents and audio recordings that came to light in connection with it, on public opinion, first tried to stifle the interest disciplinary punishment . Later, due to the publication of new audio recordings and the undiminished interest of the public, more than a month late the General Assembly supported the initiation of the Investigation Committee on the proposal of the Fidesz-Kdnp faction.

3. The successful work Commission was deliberately doomed from the start . Compared to the original Fidesz-KDNP proposal voted for a Commission with a left-wing majority , the Commission was given a deadline of less than one month at the end of November to complete its work (this was later extended by one month), the General Assembly resolution determined in principle what the Commission could examine, the place in it and conservative left-wing representatives openly voiced their preconceptions from the beginning.

4. Out of the statements of the Budapest employees and external persons who appeared in person before the Commission or gave partial answers in writing, only one statement seems to be consistent, the mayoral agent and CEO Barts J.Balázs lied to the invited investors regarding the sale of the City Hall. However, this is contradicted by the fact that Gergely Karácsony stated in January 2022 that he had awarded Barts for his work the previous year. This excludes the fact that the CEO made his statements to the investors without the Mayor's knowledge, and even contrary to his instructions.

5. However, the establishment and work of the Commission achieved the socially expected goal that the information that had come to light about the operation of the Budapest City Hall over the past two years could be discussed openly, in front of the public. The result of the Commission's establishment and work is that the previously unknown Dezső Bodnár applied to the Commission, appeared in person at the hearing and agreed to testify in the police investigation that had started in the meantime.

6. The success of the establishment of the Commission and the publication of the topic is also the fact that, while III. Mocsárosdůlő in the district was still enjoyed by the Mayor László Kiss and III. the support of the left-wing majority of the district board, after the beginning of the work of the capital committee and the raising of the topic, in December at the III. nevertheless, the district representative body ordered protection for the mentioned area as well. Although this is true in the XI. district, the sale of property on Tétényi út came into the picture in connection with the commission sale system, whose apprehensive application was also withdrawn in December by the left-wing district administration.

7. Regarding whether Budapest's management wanted to sell the City Hall on an optional basis, it can be concluded from the audio recordings heard before the Commission, the former and current situation of Barts J. Balázs, general manager, mayor's deputy, and the witness statements that appeared, that yes .
The minutes of the meeting of the Mayor's Cabinet sent to the Committee on November 26, 2020 are not clear, which version was supported by the Mayor's Cabinet, they only say that a detailed program for the long-term development of the City Hall complex should be prepared based on the versions supported in the proposal.

Based on the audio recordings and the testimony of the witness who appeared, it can be concluded that a commission system and whether it is still operating However, since, of course, all those involved in Budapest who were willing to appear before the Commission deny its existence, the provability or provability of the commission system can only be found out by the investigative authority.

9. Nothing and no one can prove the participation of Russian secret service Bringing up the whole topic is just a distraction , making the committee's work frivolous, and an attempt to put the real essence of the matter in the background.

10. also did not have the opportunity to investigate Gordon Bajnai The person concerned did not appear and did not give any relevant answers in writing. In the case, the investigating authority has the task and authority to investigate further.

Source and photo: Fidesz Facebook page