Green globalists insist that young people should not have children in order to save the planet. And all of this is being said right here, in Europe with a declining population, and not in overpopulated Africa or the Middle East, said demographer János I. Tóth, lecturer at the University of Szeged, who was asked about Europe's population problems by

- Last time we talked about the fact that Western Europe has already decided: it wants to offset its demographic problems with migration. What kind of world do these countries face?

– This solution is effective in the short term and in terms of quantity, since the number of personnel in France, England or Germany does not decrease. Another question is how long-term and culturally tolerable this practice will be for the indigenous peoples. The success of population replacement migration depends not only on quantitative ratios, but also on the cultural background.

The New World, having exterminated and pushed the native Indians to the periphery, was originally born as an immigrant society.

The American melting pot functioned excellently for a long time, in which the high fertility of Americans and the strict control of immigration played an important role. In the absence of these, assimilation becomes more and more problematic - see Spanish native speakers - and it is also more and more difficult for people of different races to live together.

"What does it look like in Europe?"

- The chances of the success of population replacement migration are even worse . In addition to security problems and economic difficulties, it is worth drawing attention to the loss of European identity and the rapid shift in ethnic proportions. This process is also accelerated by segregation according to age and settlement. On the one hand, the native population of Western Europe is getting older, while the young people are mainly from foreign ethnic groups. On the other hand, immigrants are concentrated in large cities, while the native population is concentrated in smaller settlements.

In the absence of assimilation, population exchange is inevitable, which will be accompanied by a huge cultural, linguistic and ethnic transformation.

- And the people of Eastern Europe will run out during this time?

– We are currently seeing this process. Fortunately, the Hungarian government is fighting to prevent this from happening. Family-friendly policies are now present in the Visegrád countries and in the Eastern European region in general. These countries still have the opportunity to reproduce on their own. So, in this region, demographic decline and family policy encouraging births are present at the same time. However, pronatalist efforts in Eastern Europe are limited not only by the lack of money, but also by the antinatalism of the West. Moreover, the West is downright hostile to the pro-natalist aspirations of the East.

That is why Eastern Europe cannot assert its own point of view on demographic issues, neither in science, nor in the media, nor in politics.

The Western mainstream suppresses all other voices. The ideological control is so strong that some options cannot even be considered in the West anymore: pronatalism, full-time motherhood, having children as a moral issue. After all, if something determines our future, it is demographics.

"What could be the reason why you can't hear about this?"

- First of all, demographic winter - i.e. aging and population decline - is a typical "grey rhinoceros", i.e. an invisible crisis. It is a slow and insidious process, in which there are no spectacular elements. Non-birth, unlike birth, is imperceptible. If a child is born, the population increases by one, if no child is born, the population apparently does not change. The population decline is realized only fifty years later, when the person in question dies. This is a problem that neither the individual nor the society can perceive. This is also why it is difficult to deal with population decline with political means, since society does not perceive this problem as a crisis.

Since society has no awareness of the crisis in relation to the demographic winter, this topic does not appear in public discourse, politics or even election campaigns.

Of course, population is not a simple topic, but the nation must learn about demographic alternatives and risks, such as: many more own children or many more immigrants, or terrible depopulation.

– You mentioned that having children and starting a family has already become vacant in many European countries, what is the reason for this?

- The dominant ideology of Western society also makes it difficult to face the demographic situation honestly. Modernization put the issue of demographic winter on the forbidden list. And the reason for everything is none other than the fact that the demographic winter is not caused by some special cause that would be easy to correct, but by modernization itself.

- How come?

- With modernization, conditions, customs and ideologies have emerged, such as the sexual revolution, individualization, the transformation of women's roles, etc., which make it increasingly difficult to have children. Many children were born in traditionalism, but few in modernization. The traditional world and values ​​are represented and symbolized by the many children, while the modern world is represented by fewer and fewer children.

Therefore, modernization sees the general decline in fertility as a victory, as if having fewer and fewer children is a virtue.

Nowadays, even in our country, the idea that intentional childlessness is a good thing is becoming more and more popular. From an economic point of view, in the short term and at the individual level, this may even be true, but in the long term and at the social level, this practice backfires. Due to the slowness and powerlessness of the demographic processes, the damages do not appear immediately, but only a few decades later, but then they strike with many times the force. Deteriorating demographic indicators are signs of an invisible war, which takes its toll decades later. Unfortunately, we are already in this era, since the number of Hungarians in our country has been decreasing for four decades.

That is, we have to pay compound interest for the demographic mistakes of previous generations.

- Many people already associate the issue of having children with environmental protection reasons.

– Yes, this narrative is increasingly observable. The green globalists explicitly urge that young people should not have children in order to save the planet. And all of this is being said right here, in Europe with a declining population, and not in overpopulated Africa or the Middle East.

Environmental protection is a very important issue, but every people has the right to survival, that is, to a stable population. The solution to environmental problems is not the extinction of European peoples.

I do not dispute that population growth can be ecologically problematic, but the solution to this problem is to carry out an anti-natalist campaign in regions with demographic growth, that is, in Africa and the Arab world. It is incomprehensible to common sense that these programs have stopped in the high-fertility regions, but in the low-fertility European Union, anti-natalist propaganda referring to the climate crisis is raging in full force. At the same time, politicians are telling Europeans that mass immigration is necessary due to the lack of labor.

There is little mention of the fact that environmentally destructive production methods and consumption habits play a significant role in the environmental crisis. And this is especially true for the developed world. In this region, population decline should not be accelerated, but production processes and consumption habits should be made more ecological: sustainable development, circular economy, decarbonization.

This is the one with which the environmental burden can be reduced, everything else is just ideological manipulation.

 - The idea of ​​familylessness appears more and more often on the channels of various popular American media service companies.

– Not by chance, as the family is one of the most important battlefields of the ideological war of our time. There is also a marked difference of opinion on this issue between globalists and sovereignists, liberals and conservatives, and between Western and Eastern Europe. The most important dividing point between the two sides is that globalists see only humanity as reality, while peoples and nations are cultural fictions that must be destroyed.

– Anyway, the question arises, if the nation is just a fiction, then why should it be destroyed?

On the other hand, conservatives believe that peoples and nations are the products of "God or nature", so they are real and represent the best form of human coexistence. The progressives, after the fall of communism, want to impose a dangerous utopia on humanity again. In addition, the disappearance of peoples and nations is an irreversible process, so these communities should not be attacked, but protected, as well as species and ecosystems on the brink of extinction.

– How do you see where the world is heading in terms of demographics?

- I don't want to fabricate conspiracy theories, but it's as if the elite of the European Union - in line with the global elite and capital companies - decided to outsource reproduction to the poorer parts of the world. Just as a significant part of production was previously outsourced to China and East Asia, now a significant part of European reproduction is being outsourced to Africa and the Middle East. For capital companies, this is beneficial in several ways.

On the one hand, labor can be produced much cheaper in Africa than in Western Europe. On the other hand, by importing foreign masses of people, European nations that are strong in their identity also import another culture, which necessarily divides and weakens them.

And this quickly leads to the world domination of capitalist companies. These processes will radically reshape our world, and the European peoples, nations and cultures we know will disappear for good in two or three decades.

Gábor Tóth /

Featured Image: Melissa Labellarte / Unsplash