Even today, 360 million Christians are persecuted for their faith all over the world - said the State Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office responsible for helping persecuted Christians and the implementation of the Hungary Helps Program at the opening of the exhibition "Kreszt-tűzben" in Veszprém.

Azbej Tristan announced: in 2021, an average of 16 Christians were killed every day for their faith in Jesus. He pointed out: Hungary was the first in the world to raise the level of assistance to persecuted Christians and members of other communities who suffer with them to a political level.

Through the Hungary Helps Program, around half a million people have already been helped to return to their homeland or stay there - said the state secretary, emphasizing that the problem should be solved locally and that those in trouble should not be brought to Europe. According to Tristan Azbej, the exhibition "In the Fire of the Cross" will be presented for the first time in Hungary after Budapest in Veszprém, "one of the strongest bastions" of the church. In addition to the American capital, Washington, the interactive exhibition was previously shown in New York, the Vatican, Munich and Vienna, he recalled.

 The exhibition opening was held as part of a Christian popular music meeting and public workshop called Bridge Between Generations organized by the Pannon Youth Development Foundation and the Veszprém organization of the Youth Christian Democratic Union (IKSZ).

The purpose of their programs is to popularize Christian culture and connect generations, said Gábor Halmay, the local president of the IKSZ. In his greeting, Péter Ovádi, the region's Fidesz member of parliament, expressed his joy that Christian values ​​bring people together. He noted: a city and region work well when the young and the old can think about their future together.

According to the institution's information, the exhibition "In the Fire of the Cross" can be visited free of charge until February 25 in one of the chambers of the Hangvilla in Veszprém.

 Source: Vasarnap.hu/MTI

Photo: MH/Róbert Hegedűs/