43 years after it was borrowed, a volume has been returned to the Ervin Szabó Library in Fővárosi, the institution writes on its Facebook page, which is published below.

We owe our little colorful story to a nice lady who got a book borrowed from our library 43 years ago (which she didn't borrow before) with a reader's ticket and didn't hesitate to ask if we needed the work. The title is also telling: Are you happy now? We can only answer this with a yes, since it is not every day that a long-borrowed book turns up after so much time. In fact, we hope it brought its original renter a lot of happiness by sticking with it so much. For the sake of interest, if a late fee had to be calculated for the elapsed time (of course, there is no mention of this), the bill would be HUF 861,850.

We would like to thank Judit Szilágyi for contacting us and for contributing to the publication of the story and photos.

Ervin Szabó library

Source: Facebook