On February 24, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill, published his message on the website of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Russian Orthodox Church, which he addresses to the high priesthood, priests, monks and all believers of the Russian Orthodox Church. The message is published in its entirety.

Patriarchal message:

Your happiness! Your Eminence and Grace! Dear fathers, brothers and sisters! It is with deep and heartfelt pain that I experience the suffering of people because of the events that are happening now.

As the Patriarch of All Russia and Primate of the Church whose flock is in Russia, Ukraine and other countries, I deeply sympathize with all those affected by this tragedy.

I call on all parties involved in the conflict to do everything possible to avoid civilian casualties.

I invite bishops, priests, religious and laity to give all help to all victims, including refugees and people left homeless and without means of livelihood.

The Russian and Ukrainian peoples have a common history of several centuries, which dates back to the baptism of the Russians by Prince St. Vladimir, equal to the apostles. I believe that this God-given affinity will help overcome the divisions and disagreements that have led to the current conflict.

I call on the whole of the Russian Orthodox Church to say a special fervent prayer for the speedy restoration of peace.

Our Merciful Lord, our God, our Most Pure Lady, the Theotokos, the Mother of God, and through the intercession of all the saints, preserve the Russian, Ukrainian and other peoples who are united spiritually by our Church!

Subcarpathian and Reformed world community prayer request

The Transcarpathian bishop and the World Community of Reformed Churches are asking for peace prayers as support. Sándor Fábián Zán, bishop of the Transcarpathian Reformed Church District, said:

the Transcarpathians do not primarily need financial help from their brothers and sisters in the motherland, but to pray for peace.

Christian organizations, including the World Community of Reformed Churches, have stood up for peace and invite everyone to ecumenical prayer on March 2. Jørgen Skov Sørensen, Secretary General of the Conference of European Churches, said that they stand in solidarity with the terrified people and pray for the secular leaders: they make their decisions with peace in mind.

Source and image: Felvidék.ma