The Via Mariae Civic Association held its annual general meeting. The Mary's Way working group working alongside the Hungarian Scout Association of Slovakia held its meeting in the online space in recent days, when it evaluated its work in 2021 and set its goals for 2022. The meeting was chaired by Richárd Méhes, the president of the association.

The reports describing the rich work of the past year included organized pilgrimages, maintenance of existing routes, visits to planned routes, expansions on educational trails, further developments, exploration of opportunities for expansion, events, tenders and other activities.

Last year, the association was represented at the founding general assembly of the Association of the European Network of the Way of Mary (EUNAM), where the founding declaration of the association and the statutes of EUNAM were accepted.

Members of the association from Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Romania and Austria were registered.

Source: Gábor Velebny Gábor Velebny

As a result of their work, basic documents were submitted to the Military Cartography Institute for the Slovakian tourist atlas published every 10-15 years, thanks to which the entire section of the Mária-út between Ipolyság and Árvanádas, marked with the stylized letters M, and the Slovak Mária-út appeared on the individual tourist maps also a short promotional summary.

So next to Cirill-Metód-út and Szent Jakab-út

the Central European Mary's Way also took place, and its road sign is the stylized letter "M".

The first János Esterházy pilgrimage on foot and by bus took place, and significant tours took place between Pálffytelek and Sasvár, Alsóbodok and Zsére, and Kátló and Harádics. The designation of the Pálosok útja pilgrimage route continues in the Nagymegyer area, where volunteers deal with creating connections, obtaining permits, and walking the routes.

The plans for the year 2022 include the further development, construction, cleaning and decoration of the traveled roads, the exploration and exploration of additional possible sections, the implementation of traditional pedestrian, bus and bicycle pilgrimage routes, including those that could not be carried out in recent years due to restrictions . Thus, among other things, the pilgrimage route in Csíksomlyó is being re-planned.

The founder of the Via Mariae Civic Association, András Török, said that the prayer background is important for their community, which they do continuously, asking for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to help their work. The members of the community believe that the Lord's blessing accompanies the work they undertook as volunteers ten years ago.

They know that not only the person praying the twenty rosaries they lead turns to the intercession of the Heavenly Mother, but many people and in many ways pray for the construction of the Way of Mary in the highlands, for the maintenance, care and filling of the existing roads.

The founder is confident that there will always be volunteers and helpers who will take care of the Mária-út, and there will always be pilgrims who will fill it with life.

The Via Mariae Civic Association started its operation ten years ago, therefore, in connection with the anniversary, they are planning an evaluative, presentation-type conference for autumn, to which the mayors, spiritual fathers, representatives of institutions and organizations from the localities along the routes will be invited, with the aim of getting to know their activities and further their goals.

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