The recently resigned socialist politician stated that he finds it difficult to be measured by different standards. Everyone wants to weaken the socialist party now, even within the opposition alliance.

There are other opposition politicians involved in a diploma scandal similar to his, Ildikó Bangóné Borbély told Index, according to whom the ethical rules should apply equally to all opposition parties. The recently resigned socialist politician stated that there are also people on the opposition side who are working to weaken the MSZP. The outgoing representative feels that he has had enough of politics, so he continues in civilian life.

The fallen politician said that after his diploma scandal broke, he felt that he would be burned at the stake on Kossuth Square, as if he had committed the world's greatest crime. He doesn't think that happened.

He stated:

"I don't want to hurt my political community, so I'm just saying that I'm not the only one on the opposition side involved in such a case... I don't want to name names, but I can say that I'm not the only one who knows about such cases."

"The opposition parties set up a code of ethics. Regarding Miklós Hajnal, I can only say that this code of ethics applies to some people and not to others. Everyone has to decide for themselves what fits into it in terms of their later political life and what doesn't. Momentum and Miklós Hajnal decided not to bear the consequences of his similar case. I took responsibility from the first minute, and I think that Miklós Hajnal should also take it. If something applies to one party, it should also apply to the representatives and candidates of the other party.”

Regarding the corruption charges against socialist politicians in recent days, Bangóné stated:

"Everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence: Csaba Horváth, Csaba Tóth, Zsolt Molnár or Ferenc Baja. Ákos Hadházy published a Facebook post in which he called on Csaba Horváth and Zsolt Molnár to withdraw from the joint list.

"I would like to draw Ákos Hadházy's attention to the fact that the opposition's code of ethics applies to all parties, and according to this there would be no place on the list either for the current Katalin Cseh, or for politicians from the Democratic Republic of the Congo such as Csaba Czeglédy, Judit Ráczné Földi or even Zsolt Gréczy .”

"If we set up a set of requirements about what the representatives must meet, then it must apply to everyone. Including Ákos Hadházy. While Ákos Hadházy calls on the MSZP candidates to step back and stop burdening the joint list, we cannot avoid the fact that this should not only affect the Hungarian Socialist Party. According to this logic, he should call on other representatives to do so, including himself. Note: if the opposition wins the election, Ákos Hadházy will be the minister without portfolio responsible for investigating corruption. However, there are proceedings against him as well."

The full interview HERE .

Photo: MTI/Noémi Bruzák