According to Magyar Hírlap (but you can find this out even without the article, on the Internet), the employees of some schools (because calling them teachers would be a poetic exaggeration) ask parents to cheat and lie.

The reason for encouraging fraud is self-interest. Those schools under left-liberal influence and acting for political reasons are setting a bad example by not canceling the planned 3-day strike in order to prove their opposition to the government.

OK, everyone has the right to voice their displeasure, even by going on strike. You have the right to do so, of course only if the protest action is legal. The teachers - those who have already gone on strike for a long time - didn't have it, they have papers and court judgments about it. But we know very well that the Ballibis are not at all interested in legality , because the parties they support have already announced it well in advance, if they won (God save Hungary from this), they would resort to unconstitutional methods without batting an eye, such as the repeal of the Basic Law with a simple majority.

A good teacher, isn't he, learns to death, these libs also learned from their parties that they are allowed everything and those who want something else, nothing. We can get used to them, if not accept them. They are unscrupulous.

However, their current appeal goes beyond all limits. They want to clean up their laundry with the parents, to cover their own strike money with false certificates. Moreover, they also want to persuade pediatricians to do this, of course with the cooperation of parents , because they also accept a medical certificate - about a non-existent disease.

Apart from the indisputable fact that an honest pediatrician rightfully requests such experiments , the despicable nature of the action also lies in the fact that children and students are indirectly used to cheating. The parent must explain why he is justifying the illness that never existed.

Anyone who encourages such a thing cannot be called a teacher, but rather a scoundrel. Such people have no place in the department, no place in schools. And the school that gives its name to this vile action, it would have been too late yesterday to close it down, or at least to put its leadership on the line.

The Magyar Hírlap article is available here.

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