The abortion car is coming. Maybe not today, but maybe tomorrow. Because even today, if a child is born, it cannot be murdered. But we cannot guarantee the future.

The WHO was once called the World Health Organization, but it is time for a rechristening. The name Homicide Promotion Service sounds much better, or - as I read in a comment - WDO - World Death Organization. Because it is. Also, it will be if their proposal is accepted online - and why not, since it is so "human-friendly" - that abortion should be performed up to the moment of birth. New York State has already committed this abomination when their legislature accepted that tiny babies can be killed even in the birth canal. And they have the gall to call the law approving infanticide the Reproductive Health Act!

It can be read in PestiSrácok's article that an extreme being named Craig Lissner , WHO's director responsible for sexual and reproductive health and research, dared to blurt out: "Safe abortion is an essential part of health care." Women and girls have free access to abortion and family planning services whenever they need them”.

They need? No one should ever need an abortion, at best they want it. And does he who wants to know what he is doing?

I recently watched the movie Life Unexpected. I did it wrong. Although I have always been against the killing of fetuses, the reality has never been tackled with such force. Being a man , I am not ashamed that I sobbed when I saw how the tiny life escaped from the device that wanted to extinguish it. A terrible sight, a terrible feeling. Of course, those from whom their children are being taken away, do not see this, they are not shown this.

I read a short story in 1977. The author is Philip K. Dick , a well-known science fiction writer. The essence of the story is that parents can choose "abortion" until their child is 12 years old , because the little boy or girl does not have a soul until then. And the abortion car comes, it takes the "pre-persons" - for an abortion. That is, for execution.

At the time, I thought, this is crazy, the author is a mentally ill figure, his terrible vision has nothing to do with reality. I don't think so anymore. The time may come when this fever dream can become a reality , as comfort above all else, individual interest can override anything. Even scientific facts.

Because it is a fact that all the characteristics of the future child lie in the fertilized egg at the moment of conception. It's in the inherited genes. You can lie about it, but that doesn't make it untrue.

And they lie! They declare - not primarily doctors, but politicians - that life is not life until now. Up to 12 weeks of age. Or for however long. But until when? Until the little one breathes independently? Or until he learns to speak? What prevents them from going even further? Let's say until the child can read and write. Or until you finish elementary school,

This logic can be taken to extremes. Do not doubt, sooner or later they will increase it. We also experience this in the LGBTQ frenzy, they always go further on the path of mocking normality with a demand. Why not do the same for infanticide?

Then they explain why the abortion cart is necessary.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

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