Roughly two weeks before the parliamentary elections, it is of decisive importance which political side can better mobilize its voters. From this point of view, it is also significant that while Viktor Orbán was able to call half a million people to the streets on March 15, only a few thousand were interested in the joint "change of government" protest of the six left-liberal parties and Péter Márki-Zay, said Dániel Deák in his latest video analysis.

The XXI. According to the leading analyst of the Szazad Institute, this is not only a war of numbers, but also a mobilization competition, which is of decisive importance from the point of view of the parliamentary election, since the political side that can persuade the most voters from its own camp to go to the polls will be able to win. on April 3.

The latest opinion polls also indicate that right-wing voters are significantly more active than opposition sympathizers. He cited the latest measurement of the left-wing IDEA Institute, which found that in the election

Fidesz would currently reach 50 percent of those who voted for the sure-voting party, which is considered to be the most active, while the left only has 43 percent.

The reason for this is that there is a significant difference between the determination of the voters of Fidesz-KDNP and the opposition, so the advantage of the governing party in this segment of voters continued to grow, and the advantage of the ruling party rose beyond the margin of error - Dániel Deák cited the research.

We also saw this on March 15, where there was a visible difference in the mobilization capacity and enthusiasm of the right and the left.

According to the analyst, the reason for the crisis of the left is that the campaign of Péter Márki-Zay and the left is disastrous. In recent months, the candidate for prime minister of the left has gone from one scandalous statement to another, and has also made serious strategic mistakes. Here he lists the left-wing statements made in connection with the war, which are extremely dangerous and would drag Hungary into the war conflict.

In addition, the left-wing proposal that goes against the will of the Hungarians is also the stopping of the Russian gas supply and the Paks expansion. Thus, it is not surprising that the support of the left continued to decrease as a result of the war conflict, and Márki-Zay has already become one of the most rejected politicians in the country.

On the other hand, since the outbreak of the war, Viktor Orbán and the right wing have emphasized the importance of peace and security and rejected any effort that would bring Hungary into the war or make the Hungarian people pay the costs of the war. This communication is not only liked by the right-wing voters, but also by the opposition voters, as they also want peace and tranquility, they want Hungary to stay out of the war, said the analyst. He emphasized that Fidesz-KDNP thus again represents a majority position on an important social and political issue, which goes far beyond its own voter base, similar to the reduction of utilities, the fight against illegal immigration and the child protection law.

He pointed out: even the survey of the Public Institute, close to the MSZP, shows that 60 percent of Hungarians are satisfied with the way the government reacted to the war.

In conclusion, the analyst pointed out: in the last two weeks, it is expected that the war will continue to be the most important topic on the agenda, in which the left has already made such serious strategic mistakes that it cannot come out of it in such a short time.

It is not surprising that Péter Márki-Zay already spoke on March 15 that a miracle would be needed for him to win on April 3. However, in order for the national side to win, all right-wing voters must go to vote, as it is not sympathy that counts, but the votes cast, so no one should sit back! - said Dániel Deák.


Featured image: 2022Plusz