Anyone who cares about Hungary's peace and security can count on Fidesz-KDNP, only Fidesz-KDNP. According to Csaba Dömötör, Márki-Zay's words are just as insensitive as they are dangerous.

- stated the parliamentary state secretary of the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office in a video statement delivered to MTI. Csaba Dömötör recalled that Péter Márki-Zay, the candidate for prime minister of the six-party left alliance, spoke in several forums about the fact that people should always pay the price of war, not animals, plants or mushrooms. However, according to the Secretary of State

Márki-Zay's words are just as insensitive as they are dangerous, since it is well known that the left would send weapons to the battlefield and shut off the gas taps.

This was also confirmed in recent days, when they unilaterally supported the Ukrainian president's demands regarding the cessation of gas imports and the sending of weapons, he pointed out.

According to the government politician,

if we listened to the left, our country would immediately drift into war. On the other hand, the government's position is clear: it is absolutely not necessary for us to pay the price of this war.

This is not our war, we didn't cause it and we don't want to get into it. This also means that we will decide on war and peace on April 3, he underlined.

In his video published on Facebook, Csaba Dömötör also emphasized that since "our opponents have teamed up" (let's add completely unprincipled, ed.), close competition can develop anywhere in next Sunday's parliamentary election, and a few hundred or a few dozen votes can be decisive. That is why the next few days will be about personal contact, the state secretary said, indicating that every conversation, every handshake, every phone call counts.

Source: Hungarian Nation

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