In his usual evening video login, the Ukrainian president said that the Hungarian prime minister is the last one in Europe who is still willing to openly support Putin, reports. Of course, a word of thanks did not leave his mouth either, there is no trace of gratitude for what the Hungarian people did for the refugees.

The Ukrainian head of state said that they didn't ask for anything special from Budapest, but they didn't even get what they did from others, wrote. They didn't let the aid necessary for defense pass through their country, nor did we see any other effort to show that the Hungarian government wanted to end the war. "Why is that?" Zelensky asks.

Now I turn to a person who apparently not only does not know what is going on in Ukraine, but also has no idea what is going on in Europe. To the Hungarian Prime Minister

said Volodymyr Zelensky.

All of Europe would like the war to end, if the battlefield did not move from Mariupol to Budapest, or from Kharkiv to Krakow, or from Chernihiv to Vilnius. And the Hungarian government is opposed to this aspiration. The Ukrainian people support the Hungarian people, like them we value peace and freedom. Politicians come and go, but the truth remains here, the newspaper wrote in the Ukrainian president's statement.

And that's what I'm talking about, the truth. When I want to talk about Hungary, I talk about Hungary, if about another country, then about that. I say what I think because I don't need to hide my thoughts. So when it comes to a war, I don't talk about a special military operation, and if it threatens the whole of Europe, I say that this war threatens the whole of Europe. This is the kind of honesty Mr. Orbán lacks. He could have left it somewhere halfway to Moscow

said the Ukrainian president.

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Photo: UNIAN