Judit Varga published her Facebook post with this title last night. You can read the lines of the minister below.  

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the Commission, announced in Strasbourg that she had sent an official notification to Hungary that the conditionality mechanism would be launched against our country.

We would like to remind the Commission that there are conditions for starting the procedure! The college of commissioners must vote on it and the Hungarian government must receive official notification.

However, as far as we know, none of these have happened so far.

The Hungarian government does not deal with political statements and is waiting for an official notification containing specifics. If there is such a thing, we will of course respond to it.

Furthermore, we would warn Brussels against getting on the roller coaster of the Hungarian left. The Hungarian people expressed a strong opinion about that policy on Sunday, Fidesz-KDNP received almost 2.9 million votes, with which the people gave a mandate to continue the current government policy.

The Commission should accept the decision of the Hungarian people, Hungary should not be punished, because on April 3 the majority did not vote according to the wishes of Brussels.

We continue to stand up and stand by the child protection law, which is confirmed by the more than 3 million unanimous opinions cast in the referendum.