Nowadays, democracy (and its synonym, the rule of law) is a condition arbitrarily appropriated and shaped in its own image, which always matches the taste, demand, momentary interests, or ulterior motives of its (anarcho) liberal promoters.
It is just as undefinable, intangible, and they fight for its possession in the same way as in János Arany's memorable satire for the whistle in his ear.
It is deployed as a political weapon wrapped in hypocritical moralizing.
By the dawn of April 4th, democracy did not end in Hungary, because due to the above, it did not even exist here, and this time, neither from here nor from there, was the whistle blowing for them.
The double celebration was not possible at this time, because the electoral verdict with an overwhelming majority curbed the counterweights, and to this day they can neither spit out nor swallow the frog stuck in their throats: From here on Nagykörút, beyond Kiskörút, the mourning choir is playing loudly, Belpes has been blackened, it has already landed during the day the evening.
There were those who reluctantly admitted defeat, others collected excuses and excuses, fabricated alibi explanations, and blamed it on grass and trees, corner spices, the neighbor's dog, everyone else, but not themselves.
Somehow, like in the Hofi cabaret, according to the losing team, "the goal was the cause of everything, that stupid acacia, that one" .
For the regular audience of the Belvárosi Irodalmi Kávéház with barkless palms and dented chicken breasts, the stupid countryside was the main reason for the ugly fiasco: the people of Mucsa are looked down upon by the cosmopolitan worldfics.
The question is whether this is a real superiority or just a forced notion of superiority resulting from a self-evaluation disorder and a distorted perspective?
Are their values really unassailable, or are they just suffering from flatulence above the neck?
Rather, it seems that where self-criticism was distributed, the affecting intellectuals who were constantly showing and explaining, dispensing advice from infinite heights did not even use a mocha spoon.
Among the many and countless hair-tearing angry squealers, a so-called theater critic, i.e. a humbug-occupation idle pen-wielding misfit, mouth juggler-handabandon, who suddenly appeared out of the gray, lashed out with his insults.
Hatred and racism, the flagships and clichés of the liberal anarchist propaganda work, have just emerged from it, seasoned with some far-left fascism.
Is he really that miserable, broke, obese, illiterate, etc. all the voters of the government party, or did the door of a verbal, intellectual shadow seat - exuding a nose-squeezing penetration - open with a big bang?
Is it not possible that the cursing lady and her comrades, with their egocentric reverse vision, believe, like the ostrich in the zoo cage, that the visitors (in our case 3 million voters) are inside the grid?
The open and underground accomplice-pact interplay between the extreme left and the urban left intellectuals is not new, and the so-called the "Democratic Charter" .
Perhaps many people do not know that they were united once before in 1919 "Socialist Party of Hungary" .
During the Rákosi and Kádár dictatorships, it was a general principle that the Communist Party could not come to power in free elections anywhere in the world.
Then times changed, and - with a slight change in color and image - in 1994, the MSZP-SZDSZ alliance won with a majority of over 67% and entered the government.
At that time, of course, two-thirds of the voters were not told that "the people of Horn" are uninformed, brainwashed, manure-fed mushrooms, and neither in 2002 nor in 2006 when the Medgyessy and Gyurcsány governments were formed.
They didn't say it, because according to their traditions, if the people of Pór applaud rhythmically at rallies, do Stakhanovist work for free, subscribe to the Peace and Plan Bond with their pitiful salary, then they are an honest, self-aware working class, if they are dissatisfied, protest, take to the streets, then they are hooligans, criminals, mentally ill, declassified elements, and mobs incited by fascist provocateurs.
Of course, even today, they are the only modern, enlightened, European, progressive forces, who sweep away those who think differently with puffed-up pride and disparaging horse stalls.
As a result of the above, the flood of complaints only applies to the countryside, the majority of the Budapest population consciously put the x in the correct column, there is no talk of toothless alcoholics here.
The very conscious ones got a good score: in the capital, the Dog Party, which offers free beer and airplane tunnels, got two and a half times as many votes, another party - the only party that exists only in company court archives and on magnetic data carriers - the German climate-deranged welfare idiots, chemo- and nucleophobic neurotics. , he wants to shut down the Paks nuclear power plant by aping the confused, lust-driven fantasists, the Habeks and the Bérboks, the president of the third non-local anti-patriotic party encourages the Hungarians in the highlands to be good Slovaks, and his former president is campaigning in the Romanian elections not for the Hungarian but for an opposing Romanian party , the fourth led by a political stooge, István Dobi and Gyula Ortutay, continued the best traditions and steered his party with a firm hand into the extreme left-anarcholiberal camp with a minus contribution, the fifth, the Szabad+Népi Demokratikus Koalíció (party leader Mr. Elk) would eliminate independent and independent Hungarian statehood By entering the United States of Europe, thus restoring the conditions of 1848 and 1948.
It was launched in Budapest, because a general-circus-haired instigator propagandist suffering from the itch to stand out would hardly have won a mandate anywhere else, who held up a "HORSE FOR ... ÁT" sign in the country house, snoozed in holey socks in the TV headquarters, and crawled up its stair railing.
Also, there would have been no chance outside the capital for another SE bird, who wanted to conquer the lady of his heart with his perverted nude photos posted on the world wide web. (It is not known how the less effective cachedt anti-body-building style was received.)
Pest-Buda also found the most fertile breeding ground for state bankrupts, anti-socialists, runaways, debtors, gas, water, electricity price hikers, no-go zones and gang war importers.
This April's European election battles are not over yet. Another decisive battle follows on the 24th. Throw your trash on Paris this day.
Author: Pál Kisréti
Image: Pixabay