By strengthening the traditions of Christian Hungary, we respond to the ongoing challenges to our country's sovereignty and traditions, said Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó in Győr. At the inauguration of the national memorial site, which includes Káptalandomb and the remaining parts of the castle, the head of the ministry stated that the world had to face extraordinary challenges in the last decade: financial, migration, and health crises, and this year war broke out in Ukraine.

"If all this wasn't enough, we Hungarians have yet another test, as we have to constantly face attacks against Hungarian sovereignty, traditions and Christian culture," he said.

"Anyone who has eyes - and is not blinded by momentary political or existential interests - can clearly see that the way we, Hungarians, define ourselves, the way we plan our future, has been under massive fire for a decade," he added. The reason for this, according to him, is that Hungary has had a civilian, national, Christian government for twelve years, which has continuously gone against the international liberal mainstream.

According to Péter Szijjártó, "this system, based on Christian democratic foundations, guarantees human dignity, freedom and security, protects the equality of men and women, the traditional family model, declared zero tolerance against anti-Semitism, protects and values ​​Christian culture, and thereby ensures the survival of our nation and growth".

 "We are facing an ideological road roller that wants a United States of Europe instead of nations, that looks down on the traditional family and classifies coexistence with different compositions as superior. An ideological rollercoaster that wants to redefine gender in some strange way instead of equal rights for men and women. And in terms of religion, practically anything is possible, just don't base yourself on Christianity".


Source: Facebook/Péter Szijjártó

The minister stated: the government's response to the continuous attacks is to reinforce the traditions of Christian Hungary again and again. As he said, the current inauguration is also a part of this, thereby confirming one of the iconic locations of Christian Hungarian history, which "for more than a thousand years has borne witness to what we, Hungarians, think about the world and how we define ourselves".

"Christian culture is the guiding thread of the history of the Hungarian nation, and everyone all over the world, even in Brussels, must respect this," he underlined. After the inauguration of the memorial, the minister also participated in the ceremonial opening of the Győr Cathedral Treasury.

Source: MTI

Featured image: MTI/Lajos Soós