After the pandemic, the pilgrimage train to Mátraverebély-Szentkút will start again, the organizers of the event announced on Sunday morning in Budapest, at the Keleti railway station.

Attila Fülöp , the State Secretary responsible for social affairs of the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi), said before the departure of the second pilgrimage train from Szentkút, that this train has an extra message. The fact that Hungary "takes care, preserves and protects" its Christian faith and culture , and that the Hungarian people protect the Christian culture that their parents and grandparents handed down to them.

In addition to all of this, the train also shows that in this country, Christian culture and faith is not just a reality that is enclosed in showcases and can be viewed at the price of a museum ticket, but that the reality that lives with us, together with the nation, is Christian culture and faith, he stated.

The pilgrimage train is also about the experience of community belonging, which three hundred people can experience - said the state secretary, who thanked the Franciscans, the MÁV and Mission Tours for making all this possible.

László Budai , the managing director of the Misszió Tours Travel Agency, the main organizer of the pilgrimage train, also pointed out that the pilgrimage train can set off again after a break of several years.

Róbert Homolya , the president and CEO of MÁV Zrt., said: This pilgrimage is called Saint József Munkás, which is about men, but since it is Mother's Day, it is also about families, which form the basis of society.

The spiritual leader of the pilgrim train, Csaba Böjte, emphasized in his greeting: after a pandemic period and in a war situation, "we are all a little uncertain, we are afraid", but the Christian person does not hide in the corner, does not back down, but goes to God to ask for help.

He added: he would like to pray together for the fathers of the family at the shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary, because the best gift for mothers is a great husband, a great father who helps them live and fulfill their vocation as mothers, as well as for the war to end.

After being blessed by Csaba Böjte, the pilgrim train left for Mátraverebély-Szentkút.

Source: MTI

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