In the compilation of the Magyar Nemzet page, one can read, among other things, that Ukraine is calling on the leaders of the world's major cities to rename every street where a Russian embassy or consulate is located after Ukraine.

The initiative also has its own website, the Ukraine Street project, where you can sign a petition to support the project. The call is also spreading on Twitter. According to the initiators, changing the street names is not a big effort, but the symbolic gesture would mean a lot to Ukraine.

Russia, with its leader Vladimir Putin at the helm, shows little knowledge of Ukraine's history and seems to forget that Ukraine is a sovereign state. If the members of Russian diplomacy living abroad were forced to drive on a street that bears the name of Ukraine every day, it would remind them of Ukraine's independence every day, the Ukrainian appeal states.

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2022 plus:

The mayor may get the chance and rename Andrássy street to Ukrán avenue and Bajza street to Ukrán street.