According to the South Korean politician, Slovenia, Brussels, Trump, the Czech Republic, Ukraine should be entered in the "Losses" column, and Putin, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, and Belarus should be entered in the "Gains" column.

István Vágó wrote a Facebook post entitled "The performance of Hungarian foreign policy in the last decade". The politician of the Democratic Coalition led by Ferenc Gyurcsány - although he admits that his quick balance was only quick - created a "Losses" and "Gains" section. Among others, he included Slovenia, Brussels, Trump, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine in the former, Putin, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Belarus in the latter.

We can't wait for the failed quiz master's analyzes entitled "The performance of the opposition in the last 12 years" or "The results of the Gyurcsány government".

Source: István Vágó's Facebook page

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