Katalin Novák was installed in her office. Regarding the new president of the Hungarian Republic, all news sources point out that she became the first lady in this function. Which I think is completely irrelevant.

On the other hand, what is important: a capable, knowledgeable and popular personality will hold one of the most important positions in the next 5 years. He adds that it is a lady, what is important is that there could hardly have been a better choice than her. It embodies everything that we call a bourgeois mentality. He is kind and cheerful, while being purposeful and, if necessary, able to fight for everything he thinks is an important goal to be served. He is family-oriented, patriotic and unconditionally lovable, even if the so-called opposition immediately launched an attack as soon as his candidacy became known.

What was wrong with him? Everything and more. The fact that she is a woman immediately became a negative, even though until then the globalists were constantly shouting that there was equality and that - in the form of a women's quota - should also be felt in politics. But why? It doesn't matter if someone is suitable for the given position, but whether they are a woman or a man? Or is a lady only suitable for any task if she is a globalist?

Katalin Novák has proven her ability and suitability for many years. He has achieved incredible results in the service of the cause of Hungarian families, he is credited with reversing the catastrophic demographic situation, the fact that having a child is no longer synonymous with poverty. The model that, thanks to its work, serves for example in many countries. Is there any better proof that he will be an excellent president of the republic?

The globalists criticize the government parties for Katalin Novák becoming the president of the republic from a party politician. Why weren't the people who held this post like that? Perhaps the deified Árpád Göncz was not among the hardliners of the SZDSZ who got his seat? In his case, it was also proven that he was unable to break with his political commitment, and he was not very secretly pushing the cart of the globalist side. Wasn't it okay to be a party member then?

On the other hand, who would dare to say the same about János Áder? Anyone who does is simply lying. And yet Áder rose to the top position from Fidesz.

Dear opposition chorus of sobs, maybe we should wait to see how Katalin Novák works before passing judgment on her. Of course, knowing our globalist ladies and gentlemen, we cannot seriously expect such a thing. They fundamentally hate anyone who has given even the slightest sign that for them the interests of the nation and not the orders of Brussels bureaucrats come first. And our newly installed president of the republic is just like that.

Let only the globalists cry, the more they cry, the more we can be sure that the right person was chosen. And the fact that this person is a lady is just icing on the cake.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

(Header image: Tamás Purger)