KDNP: Helping families is our moral duty and the key to our demographic and economic development!

The most important component of every society, the entire nation, and actually the entire humanity: the family. The family is the one that provides security, where we are always understood, that helps us when we are in trouble and for whom we do our best - wrote the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) in a statement sent to MTI on the occasion of Family Day.

The KDNP is the party of families, therefore every step of their political activity is taken into consideration of the aspects of Hungarian families, promoting their prosperity and success - they wrote in the statement signed by faction leader István Simicskó.

The 12 years that have passed since 2010 have also confirmed to us that it is not only our moral duty to help families, but it is also the key to our demographic and economic development. Families living in security and prosperity can guarantee the strength, endurance and future success of a nation, they emphasized.

As elected politicians, this is why we work, and on the International Day of Families we all remember that we can really draw strength, happiness and comfort from our families, and we can thank them for everything we can achieve, they declared.

Source: Hungarian Nation

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