On Tuesday night, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely was a guest of ATV's Egyenes beszéd program, where he talked about, among other things, what he considered wrong in what he did or said during the campaign. But in addition, the recently announced party formation was also discussed.

The party can be officially formed towards the end of August, Ákos Hadházy suggested to him that they do it later, together, said Péter Márki-Zay in the program. He added:

in the past year and a half, they, the civilians, have been pushed into the background, so a party is needed.

"They will also want to participate in the European Parliament elections so that they can stand behind the civil candidates, for that they need a party," he said.

They had 12 candidates in the 106 districts, but they were forced into one of the six parties, he noted. As he said, they will do everything to ensure that the current system fails, and this party will be a tool in this.

He was shocked to read how many times decisions were made behind his back, as he said, it was bad for him - he responded to Direkt36's investigative article.

Take responsibility for the downfall of the opposition,

he said it was a mistake to "lack a simpler tone" and also to make many ambiguous statements. According to him, he had to make many decisions, no matter what he did, someone would always be disappointed. "They built a model that was tested in Hódmezővásárhely and in the local government campaign, and it worked," he noted.

He said that Gergely Karácsony's staff did the campaign, and he is grateful that this team started working. They thought that Karácsony's withdrawal was a good idea, because he would not be able to be "shrunk", but the advantage disappeared, because they were "shrunk" in half a year, atv.hu wrote.

2022Plusz: Márki-Zay was kicked out of the group by the kindergarten teacher. Gyurcsány deleted it, as we wrote earlier. And when you're wrapped up like that, hardly anyone cares!

Source: mandiner.hu

Featured image: ATV