This year's parliamentary election was not simply a Hungarian domestic political election, but also a national assembly election, as the government created the possibility for Hungarian citizens across the border to participate in it in 2010, said the State Secretary of the Prime Minister's Office responsible for national policy in Budapest on Wednesday.

At the opening of the two-day conference of Hungarian child psychologists abroad, János Árpád Potápi said:

the large-scale support of the governing parties is also due to the twelve years of work carried out by the government during its nation-building and nation-building activities.

The goals were always defined together with the Hungarians across the border, he said, recalling that in 2010 the work began with the creation of symbolic laws and regulations, and from 2014-2015 they were able to strengthen the Hungarian communities across the border by building on them.

The amount of cross-border subsidies was increased tenfold, a thousand kindergartens were renovated or built, nearly three thousand churches and church community spaces were renovated, of which 1,600 are located across the border.

Schools and vocational training institutes were supported, universities and colleges were brought together in a community, network, he listed. There are several higher education institutions in the Carpathian Basin that are 100 percent Hungarian state-run, with teaching staff of Hungarian nationality, teaching in the Hungarian language, he explained.

We can be most proud of the fact that the feeling of national belonging in the Carpathian basin and the diaspora was strengthened in the past period, the state secretary emphasized.

According to János Árpád Potápi, the world of healthcare and paediatrics, child psychology, may not at first belong to the scope of national politics, but it is important that the government participates in this as an engine, helper and supporter.

They consider it important that Hungarian people living across the border can share their problems with Hungarian medical professionals, because without this opportunity, the lives of those living there would be less complete, he noted.

As he said, in this difficult, wartime situation, the help of specialists and the sharing of experiences is even more necessary, since thousands of refugees are arriving in Hungary from Ukraine with serious trauma.

The position of the Hungarian government is still that Hungary must stay out of this war conflict, but everything must be done to help those in need, emphasized János Árpád Potápi.


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