The film Eternal Loyalty was presented at the Operetta Theatre. The musical theater film based on Attila Dolhai's drama Szétszakittakt is based on the true story of a family in Timisoara who were torn apart by the Trianon decision. The film will also be presented by Duna TV on June 4, the day of national unity.

In the film Eternal Loyalty, Mihály Bor tells the real story of his family. They became wagon dwellers in 1920, because the head of the family refused to sign the declaration of loyalty to the Kingdom of Romania.

The high school director's father lived with his wife and children in Timișoara, and they enjoyed great respect among the city's citizens. The eldest son was drafted into the army, even though he was exempt as a university student. According to the story, the middle son then went to Pest to save his brother.

In the film, the First World War is already over and the Hungarian soldiers are returning home from the front. After the peace decree of Trianon, cities and villages were lost one after the other. Timisoara falls into Romanian hands, while the Highlands are annexed to Czechoslovakia.

The drawing of new borders completely upsets the lives of Hungarian families,

and are forced to live in a cattle car at the station.

The film was based on Attila Dolhai's drama The Torn. Its creators wanted people to learn about the Trianon Peace Edict not only from books, but also to have a physical or emotional experience to which the knowledge can be connected.

We would like these films to be shown in schools as well, because it is shocking and thought-provoking to experience the loss of your home from one moment to the next. In addition, we would like to take this film to the theaters and show it as a gift - explained director and producer Iványi Marcell in M1's program Ma reglegg.

Our goal was also to turn this crazy situation into poetry and pictures. Together with screenwriter Ákos Németh, we decided that a railway model table would be the solution for this. German Marcell,

who is acting in a film for the first time in his life, also narrates the story and takes us through the episodes

he detailed.

He pointed out that the songs performed were written jointly by composer Tibor Cári and Attila Dolhai.

Actor Viktor Dénes, one of the main characters of the film, said that this film became a matter for the entire company and was made with such enthusiasm and joint strength that it was truly a team effort.
" Hopefully, the results will prove it to the viewers ."

will also be shown by Duna TV in the afternoon on June 4, the day of national unity

Source: M1 / ​​

Photo: Excerpt from the movie Eternal Loyalty