Minister of National Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky will give a speech on the occasion of the Hungarian heroes' memorial service at the commemoration held in Hősök Square on May 29, 2022.

Source: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd


Minister of National Defense Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky emphasized in the field of Heroes, at the commemoration of Hungarian heroes, at the memorial stone of Hungarian heroes: many of our heroes died because "we had to fight other people's wars". But now, as he put it, "the star position above the Hungarians is lucky".

"We are on the good side of history, we are a free, independent nation, and for 12 years now we have put the Hungarian national interest before everything," said Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky , adding that as a minister sworn to protect the homeland, his main task is to preserve the defense and security of the homeland.

In recent years, it has been proven that the dangers have not passed, the era of migration, epidemics and wars has arrived - he called attention, emphasizing that for today's struggles, we must draw strength from our heroes.
Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky emphasized that the Hungarian soldiers stood firm and are standing firm in averting various disasters.
They protect Hungary's southern and eastern borders at the same time, they help those fleeing the war that broke out in neighboring Ukraine, and they also served at vaccination points and hospitals during the coronavirus epidemic, explained the minister, who thanked the soldiers for their service. He drew attention to the fact that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict also affects Hungary. "Our job is to protect Hungarian families from war. We must not allow ourselves to be swept away, this is not our war," he stated.

Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky emphasized: the national defense fund will also be created to preserve security. The purpose of this fund is to provide the financial resources that enable the development of the military forces and the building of a strong, effective, and adequate deterrent force, organized on a voluntary basis, but with increasing numbers, confident and determined Hungarian army.

Hungary's NATO membership and the military being built are a guarantee of the security of the Hungarian people, he declared.
"We Hungarians have always been proud of our heroes," emphasized the minister, recalling that in post-system change Hungary, more than two decades ago, the first Orbán government decided to perpetuate the memory of Hungarian heroes and hold a memorial celebration for Hungarian heroes.
In his celebratory speech, Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky also remembered his personal hero, his maternal grandfather.
The minister's grandfather was seriously wounded on March 17, 1945, fighting in Vértes. His life was saved by a cigarette case he carried in his pocket, which absorbed a large part of the shot that hit him. As he said, this shot-through wallet is the most feared relic of their family. When he started his work as Minister of National Defense with military honors, it was still in his pocket, above his heart, he recalled. "This relic is now on my desk, and it will be there in the coming years to remind me of the sacrifice of the Hungarian heroes," declared Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, who was participating in his first celebration event as Minister of National Defense.

On June 19, 2001, the Parliament adopted the law on perpetuating the memory of Hungarian heroes and on the Hungarian heroes' memorial day, according to which the "Hungarian heroes of the past millennium" who gave their lives for the country are remembered on the last Sunday of May every year.

Source: / MTI