It is increasingly suspicious that arms shipments and embargoes are just clumsy cover-ups: the real wunderwaffe of the European Union may be to make Putin laugh, writes Francesca Rivafinoli on the website.

The large-scale conference on the future of Europe took place for a whole year: EU institutions, national authorities and ordinary citizens, co-chaired by Guy Verhofstadt So they discussed everything a lot, and a 336-page report was prepared with many reform proposals. They even held a closing ceremony at the end, although they shouldn't have: it burns quite deeply into the retina when ( half a century after Adenauer and Schuman young people in colorful t-shirts with the motto "Europe's future" wriggle for 9 minutes and 26 seconds in the plenary session of the European Parliament in a in the framework of the so-called "interpretive dance" , during which a male voice mumbles some kind of relaxation phrases in French, such as "you have arrived at the moon and you see the sun on one side and the shining Earth on the other. (…) Your hands float around your head, one after the other. (…) Your hands will become fish (…) Your arms will become lianas", and so on - perhaps the whole thing could have been invented by an unemployed masseuse from Brussels, considering that due to the layout, Ursula von der Leyen had to watch the performance in the building with their necks outstretched throughout .

In any case, the monster consultation was held, the path to the stars was marked out; but no sooner had the ink dried on the painstakingly crafted proposals, including progressive points urging the suppression of unanimous voting, than Guy Verhofstadt and the EU O1G working group (including Katalin Cseh ) came and shouted: Lárifári, we need an online petition!! A separate petition to cancel the veto! If there is a tie to the development of the EU, it is the member state veto!

Which was not a problem when, for example, in the autumn of 2019, Emmanuel Macron prevented the simple start of the accession process of North Macedonia (what an absurd idea, North Macedonia as an EU member, pff!), but which veto is intolerable now, when the Hungarian government (subsidiarity and starting from the EU principles of proportionality) suggests that it should not be obligatory for each member state to shoot itself in the foot without anesthesia.

The idea was followed by action: seven MEPs started a petition on the American website, but very roughly. Thus the "Gender-neutral washrooms for restaurant chains in India!" (8,392 signatures) and "The law student who urinated on his fellow student's table should be kicked out of Stellenbosch University!" (105,143 signatures) among petitions on the subject, the demand: "Down with vetoes in European politics!" In the first week, almost five thousand signatures were collected, including from British citizens - the data of the supporters goes straight to the data controller in California, because the self-righteous European cannot even put together a form without the help of the USA.

What's next I wonder? Is Guy Verhofstadt trying to order the results of the Hungarian elections from Wish?

While it is not initially clear what the idea is. The petition demands the abolition of the right of veto, because it would then be possible to take decisive action more quickly against, for example, Putin. In comparison, around 4,985 signatures were collected in the first 7 days (by the way, 645,000 people like Verhofstadt on Facebook). How many months will the collection last as planned, bearing in mind that there are approximately 447.7 million people living in the European Union? And which article of the EU treaties stipulates that if a certain number of signatures of unknown origin and dubious authenticity are gathered on an American website, the European Council will cut itself to pieces and cancel the current rule of unanimous voting by majority vote?

If the dear good Guy Verhofstadt really wanted to hurt Putin, and as soon as possible, then they would not be fooling around with petitions, but would tell their own governments, which are so cooperative, that Orbán here or there, within their own authority, turn off all the relevant taps, now.

increasing their electricity consumption by collecting online signatures and Facebook posts against Hungary, which does not even make it into the top 20. It would be a much cooler step to start an offline movement, encouraging everyone who is fed up with the incompetent Orbán to proactively turn off their own boiler as a protest.

By the way, several of the petition's signatories justify their joining by saying that two-thirds decision-making is truly democratic: if somewhere someone has decided an issue by two-thirds, then no one wants to override the majority position in an anti-democratic way.

We agree.


Author: Francesca Rivafinoli

(Caption image: YouTube screenshot)

2022plus: If you are interested in how the interpretation of the "Meaningful Dance" about the future of Europe can be interpreted, try to watch the video about it in Hidan's smoothie without smiling. Here it is: