Jobbik prepared for the departure of Péter Jakab - this was revealed in the statement of the party's deputy president. Anita Potocskáné Kőrösi said that it is 200 percent that Jakab is founding his own party, and otherwise, his right to leave Jobbik is stipulated in the constitution. The party is therefore prepared for the new time calculation, but it seems that Péter Jakab is too, read Magyar Nemzet.

Jakab, who is famous for his Parisian and paprika fries, uses the slogan A nép pártján next to all his posts. So much so that the Zöld Válasz Facebook page originally associated with Jobbik was expropriated and reactivated under the name A nép pártján. The current representative of the Zöld Válasz Egyesület is Tibor Nunkovics, the director of the Jobbik party, but previously Jakab's confidant Enikő Molnár was also a member of the organization, presumably with his help to give the social site a new face.

With the statement that Jakab has the right to leave Jobbik, Anita Potocskáné Kőrösi could have sent a message to the former president, in whose overthrow she took a leading role when, as a member of the presidency, she revolted against Jakab and Enikő Molnár. Since then, more and more signs point to the fact that Potocskáné's action ultimately led to the party presidency of Márton Gyöngyösi, and with it, the downfall of Péter Jakab.

And yesterday, a letter written by Enikő Molnár revealed that on May 26, Potocskáné discussed with Gyöngyösi in a café about whose mandate she wanted to get so that she could return to the parliamentary seat. According to this, before the presidential election, Mrs. Potocskán bartered with the then-elected party chairman, in whose favor Ander Balázs also withdrew at the last moment in exchange for a mandate.

You can read the full article published in Magyar nemzet here.